You Know it has always been this way Democracy is often a sham…
“Her mother was Indian and her father is Jamaican. She attended Howard University, a historically Black college and joined its oldest sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, while there.
‘She definitely has a Black pedigree because of Howard, because of being an AKA, but for somebody not clued in to the experience of African Americans in this country, many of us are (racially and ethnically) mixed with a whole lot of other things,’ he said.” Sacramento Bee….
The paragraph above carries a truism…
When our “founding fathers” (really American aristocracy) sat down to write the Constitution it was done by the richest Americans. Jefferson was a leader who owned many slaves, using inhuman slavery to make himself rich…
Let’s just say he was like Trump…always working to keep the rich caste, yes caste, in power.
Oh I know we now profess “our founding fathers”, and were for equality, but they really were aristocrats, who rarely could read (most could not) and acted just like the monarchies that they alleged fled from; actually they fled to America, started killing Natives, and stealing human beings from one of the oldest cultures on earth; Jesus Christ was black and his religion is full of ways to stop one caste from destroying another.
That is right caste…Amerikkka is not a class system…it is a sham…
People are born into the caste system and rarely can rise above it…Right now the Democrat woman (woman caste) is trying to overcome the caste system (black is black forever) and the odds are hugely against her..Kamala has little chance if history is consistent (no woman has ever been elected President…ever….only one person of color ever (Obama).
The rest are Roosevelts, Kennedys, Trumps; etc etc.
The middle class rarely gets its way.
Why? A war botched (Vietnam), a War won (WWI and WWII), A war a mess (Korea), and finally the ultimate in Caste War (The Civil War).
The Civil War was frankly about slavery, but the caste system won out as usual.
It took well over 100 years for the lower caste, helped by a Texan middle class President (LBJ) to put a small dent in the caste system in the south, who had lost the Civil War, but won the segregation.
And the segregation was not just in the south, Northern States took over a century to even adjust to the need to end segregation, and even today it still exists illegally..In fact there judiciary is rife with caste rich people….
The Ugly Fact is the American People are in a caste system, which by the way is normal…yes normal, for human beings.
The Bible is full of Christ’s warnings that if the caste system did not end, human beings’ souls would be sent to hell.
Right now Trump is carrying the way for the caste he so soundly represents. And his Vice President is aristocratic to the core…Trump again promises to end democracy, who is angry because he got caught being an aristocrat? Republicans at least are “honest” enough to admit they are for the upper caste….for the bosses, for the millionaires (Trump)..
In short Trump is no anomoly…..
Huh, what do you mean? I mean Trump is nothing new, he goes back in Presidents who usually represent the caste system no matter what they profess and lie about…Jefferson comes into mind, who profligated that All Men Are Created Equal..note the Men word…but was lying…he owned slaves and cheated on his wife.
Again this is played out in other countries, an art wounded WWI veteran, used the hatred of losing a War….to countries where the rich caste was king…and used the middle class anger in Germany to (you guessed it ) to get him into the wealthy caste and killing lower castes (Jews) to scare the rest of the country into compliance.
It took WWII to end him, but from the embers came a United States that dominated the world, for about one year….and then continues merrily in keeping its castes alive.
Again, it is human nature to do this…and the ultimate result is anger, and violence and ultimately another war.
The only problem, this time war could mean nuclear, and end this sorry excuse for a human caste (note not human race) forever.
God you see, has damned us a long time ago…
Pray for Peace and Vote…we might get lucky…