Greg Beale
3 min readOct 18, 2020

Years of being in one precarious financial situation after the next has distracted school officials from addressing the ceaseless crisis of low-income students of color being underserved, said Lorreen Pryor, president of the Black Youth Leadership Project, a nonprofit educational organization that encourages Black students to become civically engaged.”

The students who are more likely to be disciplined, to struggle with state tests, to see higher teacher turnover or larger class sizes, and to be underprepared for college are the same students the district is struggling to reach with distance learning, Pryor said.”

An historical failure! This while Prop 15, that is devised to overturn Prop 13, that helped cause this mess, is in trouble.

Once again, white “concerned” liberals will quietly creep into the voting booth, quietly pull the curtain shut, and vote for white privilege.

It’s their property tax windfall at stake…and our society will continue to decline..

Prop 13 was devised to punish school integration. It was a cunning device to end government intervention into a war on children of color. It was devised to “keep the darkies” in their place; poor and miserable.

So in one of the most progressive cities on the planet, Sacramento, anti-teacher, anti-student right wing zealots win.

And the children lose….

And the nation declines into a right wing dictatorship.

The American Dream is dying in front of us…slowly and mercilessly, as a madman leads a “lock her up chant” targeting a Michigan governor whose “sin” is locking down her state as a virus kills her people…and he majority of the deaths form the virus are people of color!

Those who wear masks are losers…those who cannot read are scum…..

That is what the Republicans have come to stand for…and it has worked to continue to “keep the darkies” in their place.

Public schools were made targets of the right wing racists in 1976. I was laid off from my summer school assignment and my name placed on a lay off list for the regular year.

The only thing that saved my career in helping students was the state shifted the funding of schools to the volatile income tax; closing mental health facilities, cutting public intervention into drug abuse; etc etc. Basically the post WWII renaissance in government welfare ended. The lessons learned from the Great Depression, that the society is only as healthy as its weakest link, were forgotten.

Homelessness, the same thing as in 1932, is a major problem in the richest nation on earth…that’s right…and the Great Depression is back because of government stupidity in dealing with a killer pandemic.

All so YOUR house that may be in a fire zone, is not taxed at fair market value…all for a killer tax cut that swept Reagan into power…that keeps Trump and his fascism viable politically.

And of course, Charter Schools are used to kill public education, so a segregated school system could stay shut to equality.

That is the Historical failure that afflicts Sacramento Unified School District. The lack of adequate funds turns educator against educator and drives more desperately needed teachers out of the profession.

I have done more that’s 60 WASC Self Study Accreditations, over 60! And my takeaway is simply this:

We have a segregated school system UNDERSERVES all colors. White students also do not benefit from a system that DECLINES EVERY YEAR.

A system that depends on the economy to be robust to get more money to modernize the schools, that keeps new teachers in the classrooms is no longer possible in California. The largest thing to improve category that we suggest to EVERY school I have studied in WASC, is hire more qualified teachers (especially in math and science).

Would you take your math or biology degree and waste it on a career that starts at $40,000 a year with dwindling benefits, when the to rent an apartment cost $4,000 a month while trying to pay back a $80,000 student loan?

Would you?

Of course your wouldn’t…our schools are starving to death right now!

It wasn’t that way before Prop 13…

The need for higher educated citizens, in science and math particularly, has never been higher, with the new teacher corps to teach them, never been lower.

An historical failure that will kill what is left of the pathetic American Dream…

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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