Greg Beale
4 min readOct 4, 2020


I smell a rat…or if this liar is really sick, taking advantage of the pandemic to help him get elected.

We are getting worked once again. And we are not getting worked just by Trump..

Progressive news outlets are in on it as well.

This is textbook racisms and prejudice, the lying, the manipulation of public opinion by the ruling caste to distort, to fool and then weaponized to kill.

Watch “The Wizard of OZ”..the movie was taken from a book that criticized populism at the time, of William Jennings Bryant, who manipulated the press to build a false reality that benefited him politically. William Jennings Bryant, was part of the political culture of xenophobia that ran American politics in the 1880s…this was part of the failure of the Reconstruction, that morphed into Jim Crowe.

It also was filled with drama, the drama of “the Lost Cause” that was a cover for a rebirth of racism as bad as what established chattel slavery.

The Lost Cause was made up propaganda…

That is EXACTLY what Trump is all about…oh the drama in it!

We watch TV, with its endless fossil fuel ads, for the DRAMA not for reality..Reality went the way of the Wizard a long time ago.

The same DRAMA that reality TV creates…the Bachelor and Bachelorette that is so phony and fake it makes us ill, we even laugh at the lousy actresses (they are poor actors by the way) who manipulate us.

The same drama that depicts people of color as screaming yelling fools who get upset because “she dissed me”.

Just today, in Sacramento, another product of the reality TV lunacy, a nine year little girl was shot and killed in Del Paso Heights, a “ghetto” of sorts where people of color…”those people” live there…and they live and are influenced by reality TV that encourages violence to solve disputes as a positive. Shoot first ask questions later….is a myth of violence that we and our children live with.

And these “dramas”” kill thousands, in a generation of reality TV, who live in a fantasy land that ends with a little girl dead.

How many of us root for the good guys to KILL the bad guys, on TV and movies, driving us to a banality of evil conclusion of disputes.

And of course, the Ox Bow Incident proves that vigilantism does not work!

Trump remember was a reality TV star…It made him, publicity wise, he used it to run for President.

Now is he really sick..sure he is, but he gets the best medicines on earth, he is being treated far better than the poor cabdriver who had to work during the Pandemic or he will lose his home, so the cabdriver gets sick and dies in the corridor of an over crowded hospital because he doesn’t have any money. The poor Native Americans. on a reservation, crammed into hovels with no ventilation, who die like flies.

Trump knows that…he also knows how to take advantage of a situation.

He even used to call and masquerade his voice, acting like someone else, to boost his ratings.

The Presidency is a ratings show to this charlatan. He is poison.

So take the poison, or say what the hell, its all bullshit, which it is; and take care of yourself, don’t trust anyone…And THAT plays right into the Wizard’s hands…

He has already told us, with his phony opposition to mail in ballots, that the mother of all cons is coming; suspending the Constitution and to illegally steal the election. Trump is so confident in the power of reality TV that he takes calculated chances others won’t do.

That is his power…it is all about power…

Learn that this man is the mass media, the TV environment that manipulates you everyday. I mean how many real victims of the virus WALK purposefully to a helicopter to take him to the hospital, with the press running to keep up.

We are getting worked!

The backbone of the news business, especially Television news, is sensationalism for effect; AND sell you yet another car, to make you feel better.

Another car or truck, to fill the atmosphere with CO2 and burn us all up!

And none of it..NONE OF IT, helps any of the rest of us.

These are all actors, in this huge con to sensationalize and lie, to sell you stuff you don’t need, and manipulate you every single damned day.

So keep on genuflecting every time the “Wizard” flinches.

What happened to OZ by the way…The Wizard was discovered to be a charlatan, and then he left…leaving the city in ruins.

Hitler committed suicide, another Wizard, and left Germany in ruins…2.5 million Germans died from 1945 to 1947 AFTER THE WAR ENDED, of starvation.

That is Trump in the true reality TV style!

Oh, and don’t give me any of that, “You don’t care about the President”. I actually do, as a CITIZEN!

But as a victim of mass media, I have my antenna up all the time for a con.

And it goes on every MINUTE when I watch TV…

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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