Greg Beale
5 min readMar 7, 2021

Why We Fight

This is why we take courses in racism and prejudice, the very few who have the courage to look Amerikkka straight in the eye. This is why we cannot stop, we may have to fight another Civil War!

We have to one day renounce this behavior, but we won’t.

So the beautiful verses that this poet laureate uttered, the most moving part of a hopeful inauguration, were dashed by a security racist racial profiling.

We don’t know who the security guard was, they may be black for all we know. It really doesn’t matter, subconscious racial profiling wins again.

It doesn’t matter, black or brown is still a signal to our poor racist ridden nation, to not trust; to stop and frisk. I have never been stopped like this once, having been in security jobs: I was a Principal of High Schools who countless times had to drive to the school in the dark to turn off security alarms, drove right by a police car, and NEVER was asked to show I.D..

Why, I am part Cherokee, I had dark hair once and a darker complexion, but not much; so that color of my skin kept me in the dark from EVER being challenged! Ever!

A black co worker was stopped all the time! I mean all the time. What is that?

And then Amerikka elected a bigoted crook as President, but when we threw him out of office (he should have been convicted) we allow him to run again, bring the monster right back into the room again.

And any progress toward racial justice, just in listening to the truth, is once again crushed by racist reality.

This back and forth, up and down behavior has characterized the morality of Amerikkka for centuries.

Civil Rights advocates call it one step forward then three steps back. Racism is firmly in control of Amerikkka right now. I put the kkk into America because it currently controls Amerikkka!

Obama’s yes we can…one step forward three steps back…African Americans are actually worse off now than they were when Obama won the presidency. The disaster of xenophobia that divided children from their parents, typical fascist behavior, was Amerikka’s answer to electing an African American ; Xenophobia runs Amerikkka right now!

Now we elect a ticket with a elderly progressive white man and a African /Indian American AND female as Vice President, and the punishment is shift and sure; including an attempt to take over the country January 6, 2021.

We all watched in stunned silence as the police were overrun, the National Guard was withheld for hours, in what amounts to a coup attempt that was planned by the President himself. Everyone in Washington know Trump planned and executed a coup, he TOLD US IN ADVANCE WHAT HE WAS UP TO.

In spite of overwhelming evidence, the Senate made up of fascist old white men, failed to convict; leaving Donald Trump to continue his quest to end democracy in the United States.

The poet laureate had no due process when she was humiliated as a potential crook just because of the color of her skin, but a liar and a crooked President, who committed a treasonous act, gets off with nothing, rewarding insurrection!

The lesson of one step forward and three steps back in retaliation for daring to face up to systemic racism is loud and clear. And the lesson that most of Amerikkka just doesn’t care also enables the insurrectionists!

All of the sacrifices; the tragedy of the Civil War, the battle that was lost over Reconstruction, the tragedy of M.L. King, JFK and RFK , and too many to count Black Civil Rights proponents, who were gunned down; more battles lost to the demon of racism and prejudice.

The Standing Rock Protest in its struggle to stop the threat of destroying a water supply….lost. Native Americans are dying from the pandemic at ridiculously high rates, while the Governor of South Dakota recently opened the economy up and said masks are no longer necessary.

Why? Because South Dakota’s white population has barely been grazed by the pandemic, while Native Americans die like flies. It is the old days of doctored Buffalo ropes being given to the Sioux, that were riddled with smallpox…The genocide that ensued was deliberate! Sherman famously said, “the only good Indian is a dead Indian”…and millions were killed to steal their land.

Getting the right to vote in the early part of the twentieth century, waiting over 100 years to allow those people who predated Western Immigrants in America, to just vote. It wasn’t until 1948 until inter racial marriage was made legal, up until then it was a crime in many states. It wasn’t until 1948 that the military was integrated…that is almost 100 years after a Civil War that was fought to end slavery and the Black Soldier helped win the war.

Their reward? Jim Crowe!

If you ever wonder why people of color do not trust the white privilege in all the rest of us, TAKE A CLASS IN RACISM AND PREJUDICE. Look in the mirror at your white privilege faces and ask yourself as you drive by the person of color holding the cardboard sign asking for money because of homelessness, is this America or Amerikkka?

Every demonstration the BLM posed as a morality test for the nation, lost…racial equity loses all the time in the face of a stubborn 30% of bigoted Americans.

How can this be with only 30%…look at the U.S. Senate, look at the Electoral College, look at the packed Supreme And Federal Courts.

These all are slave era compromises that have contaminated our democracy for over 100 years. We actually lost the Civi War, Jim Crowe grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory. 650,000 American died for NOTHING!

And the first hint of inspiration of freedom, of civil rights, were dashed once again when that security guard challenged a poet.

I teach racism and prejudice classes to continuing education elderly students at CSU Sacramento; it’s call Renaissance. The leadership of Renaissance is very concerned that most of the students taking the classes are not people of color. That is not okay, black and brown people need to be in classes like these so they can bear witness to the treatment this young woman just endured: racial profiling.

But they stay away because they don’t trust white people; and I can see why. In fact I don’t see how they stand it, how this cycle of disappointment just goes on and on and on and on!

Trump is still alive and well politically, already ready to retake the country. Republicans, who once were the point of the spear of Civil Rights (Lincoln), are now a fascist racist political party.

The hope of America leading the world in race relations has died many years ago.

Those of use who fight on, do so practically alone, with no political power other than the streets. And that plays right into the fascist hands,

Racial profiling is the backbone of Amerikkka…and with it voter suppression that is already being again codified into the law in one state legislature after another that is owned by Republicans.

January 6, 2021 saw a coup attempt in the United States, akin to what happens in banana republic’s fascist regimes…And America slides into Amerikkka…with the KKK now calling the shots.

All this as payback for electing women, people of color and attempts to play fair in a democracy.

The United States now qualifies as a failed state; on a slide to fascism.

And the poet laureate who offered us All hope, just fell victim to the implicit racism that afflicts our tortured body politic.

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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