What Would Move a Person to do this!
“CNN) — Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery, a CNN KFile investigation found”.
There is a movement of the right wing of African Americans who are not aware of history. Mark Robinson is that guy, referring himself as a “Black Nazi”????????
This shows that ignorance is rampant in right wingers…To even use the term Nazi shows the actual fascism Republicans have adopted…and like all fascists democracy is its enemy.
During the Civil War times, those black Americans who betrayed their people, were called “Uncle Toms”…
This is not a surprise…as the pressure to give into the “Master” was huge…up to and including killing the slave.
No wonder some of these “Uncle Toms” broke under the constant put downs of the “Masser”…
During WWII, some captives in concentration camps, actually began acting like their Nazi captors…in desperate effort to survive.
This same phenomenon is rampant in the Republican Party…they know that have to conform or are out of the Party, at the least…So they conform, they adopt the fascist positions, )and the culture no such thing as race) is in spite of their caste status, to survive…
African American Republicans are in this mold…they have adopted to what the “Masser” wants, up to and including attacking their own culture.
This is a dramatic effort to end Democracy as we know.
Nuff Said…