Victor Alan Harris-the Pundit….???????
I teach a course on “The Native American Experience” to seniors as part of CSU Sacramento’s continuing education program; called Renaissance.
I read with disdain your diatribe (yet again) about pulling down statutes of Confederate “heroes” and Stanford renaming streets that used to be Serra Drive.
And you get it wrong again and again and again.
I am a graduate of Stanford University. I played football as an Indian. I am part Indian.
I didn’t know that when I ran out of the tunnel behind Prince Lightfoot.
And then I discovered the history that had been repressed charged with lie after lie.
The problem is not ignoring history as you claim the problem is ignoring the real history.
Want to bet? I dare you to go into newspaper archives from 1850 to 1870 in California. Go ahead, they aren’t hard to find. Look at the Sacramento Union for example.
The genocide of Native Americans in California, caused by the “need” to eradicate the owners of the watershed that contained gold, is all over the newspapers of the past.
The militias, the first thing the new state formed, was a bounty hunting killing machine, that murdered men, women and children.
This followed centuries of missionary exploitation of Native American slave labor. The same slave labor and racism that your heroic Father Serra exploited.
Oh, the first Governor of California’s second exploit (after genocide) was banning all African Americans from California.
If you would read and study, rather than propagandize your right wing fascist agenda, you might discover that people who really know history are laughing at you.
Your career, your very being is a joke, a flaccid remnant of pathetic racism and white racism that makes me sick!
You are a racist…..and one day your maker will call you to account for the hateful human being you are….