“Urban violence is often a violence of survival, often a violence of tragic idiocy. But what Morrison is accused of is a violence of cultural entitlement, of the perceived loss of power and rank. It is a violence of, “who is she to tell me to wear a mask”? A violence of, it’s getting so a white man has no rights at all anymore. A violence of, Make America great again.” L. Pitts Washington Post
White privilege is not the the area of the white underprivileged…White privilege, that really runs things, is white super rich privilege!
We talk about white privilege all the time, as it applies to all economic demographics…But the lower working caste(our unemployed) whites make up a different demographic and a different group. The anger of the poor whites is manipulated by the ruling white caste…and they do a good job of it, basically brainwashing poor white bigots into becoming racist foot soldiers.
The comparison with African American anger is the way rich white privilege has emasculated both poor whites and poor people of color.
Both are being manipulated by the real elites, the white plutocrats…Both demographics are becoming more enraged all the time at each other while the white plutocratic super rich reap the benefits.
We call it the “plantation economy”….and NO country can long survive it!
The. white lower “caste” are manipulated into being enraged by how white privilege has emasculated them, but they take it out on their fellow economically emasculated people of color citizens.
That is not new, it is the oldest trick in white rich privilege, it goes directly back to slave days.
It is the plantation economy. Turn poor people against poor people and laugh all the way to the bank!
Rich plantation owners, and their benefactors in the industrialized textile producing north, prior to the Civil War, literally plotted against poor people of color and illiterate white immigrants.
Free labor and well represented free labor was and is the enemy of a plutocrat and aristocrat. It is a not a mere coincidence that poor people kill poor people while the white master pulls the strings of a poverty that destroys us all.
They have used their privilege to rile up the “poor white folks” to do their dirty work. Subjugation and belittling free and fair labor is their goal.
It was not an accident that the “overseers” the slave hunters, were always poor whites who were used by the rich caste to “keep the slaves ” in check. Both groups were being exploited by the super rich plantation owners. Both groups are currently enslaved by a rich elite who knows exactly what they are doing. Trump knows what he is doing…it is how he got rich…play by his own rules, don’t play fair, cheat, lie anything to stay rich.
It is the same thing now as it was in 1861, Trump knows this.
He knows who the foot soldiers are for his revolution against inclusion and diversity that the Democratic Party now represents. And he will do anything, with massive plutocratic support, to maintain his caste’s power.
To get that Magma hat means becoming a foot soldier against civil rights for poor people of color. It also means doing the “master’s bidding”. It also means dying just as readily from the pandemic as do the people of color.
In short, we all are victims of this economic plutocracy! At least we most Democrats know this…the MAGA slaves think they are being helped by the aristocrats…they are horribly naive and wrong!
It is also no mistake that Russia, is now a plutocracy, and is right now trying to re elect Trump…it isn’t for geopolitical gain, it is for economic gain for a small elite of “slave owners”. In short the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and DIE!
Never mind that poor whites are also being treated so that their health insurance is in direct jeopardy during a pandemic; that the aristocrats hate them and are using them.
In the Civil War, confederate soldiers starved to death, were not paid on time and were ill equipped to take on a union army that as time went on, slaughtered them. And they were also brainwashed by a plantation elite who had been lying and cheating since Jefferson…The rich budding aristocrats wrote the Constitution that has more snares for real freedom and provisions for the “general welfare” in it than anything else. The Constitution is not a poor man’s friend, no matter what color they are!
And still they would not quit, their rulers “throw them under the bus” again and again in what has become a blood bath.
The “policy” of herd immunity that Trump espouses is proof that human life is not valued by America’s plutocratic elite.
When the north literally invaded the south and began burning down plantations, Sherman’s march to the sea, did the south quit.
Why? Because Sherman and Lincoln correctly perceived that the south would finally quit when white aristocracy was directly attacked. Only when the economic elite of the plantation, that had been a success because of the worst chattel slavey in human history, began losing wealth would the south quit. The March to the Sea was to destroy the plantation economyl.
The south quit in a few months when that became apparent.
The problem is, in the Reconstruction era, the privileged whites, by the ineptitude of President Johnson and the corruption of Grant, were able to EASILY regain control of the south. The terrorists that drove the defeat of Reconstruction were the same poor white immigrants that had enforced the terror over slaves.
And that privilege white caste, still runs the south in many areas.
The New South, was supposed to be an opening of the economy to everyone.
Instead it became aristocratic again, used by plutocrats to stratify the society into white versus black. That harmed everyone except the ruling caste.
It is really white RICH privilege, let’s call it aristocracy, that is driving the south and the north right now and the consequences are predictable…more suffering for poor people, less social and economic programs to rectify the inequality, a smaller and more viscous aristocracy.
The United States was created by England, that STILL has an aristocracy that has doomed England to perpetual decay.
That is exactly what the United States is living through, and the reason is mirrored in the partisan divide we see today.
The parties have divided into racial sides, the Republicans represent the rich white industrial ruling caste and the poor whites who do its bidding; the Democrats represent the rest of America, people of color, women, and the educated “world economy” elites.
The Supreme Court with “Citizens United” insured the hegemony of the plutocratic caste in what is a most undemocratic Republic!
Trump has used that for MAGA, he knows what buttons to push, they are economic ones.
The poor whites, without privilege, are easily MANIPULATED, just like they were in 1864, when they were served up for slaughter to protect the white elites who hated them.
That is why this county has always been in trouble….it’s called plutocracy…it’s called “Make America Great Again”..a slogan from a billionaire plutocrat given to the “masses” who he hates.