Tyranny of the Minority
It’s 1956 again….that is what conservatives have schemed for!
Conservatives make up a declining percentage of the population…about 30% or even less. But because of the Constitution, that was set up in the first place to benefit the slave holder minority in the south, the Senate and the Supreme Court were set up to “protect” against tyranny of the majority.
And of course the result is an entrenched tyranny of the minority!
What other country in the world so scrupulously protects the “rights” of the minority? And what about the other minorities? Like Native Americans or African Americans for example?
Other democracies simply count the votes..the majority wins…
The fact that a majority is hard to maintain (in a Parliamentary system and in a fair Republican System) was not even considered by the Founding Father’s, who all were slave owners! The point is the political process in a democracy will ensure that tyrannies of majorities and minorities don’t happen.
Study comparative governments. Tyrannies always exist from minorities, who manipulate the election process to produce a false majority; and then once in power, don’t allow VALID elections anymore. The gerrymandered election of the past 50 years in the United States has thwarted the Civil Rights movement once again, producing a “solid south” that the Civil Rights and Voter Rights Laws sought to eliminate; racist and white supremacist to the core…
Again , Jim Crowe is alive and well in the south again, producing Lilly white representatives who vote for tyranny all the time…The tyranny of the minority.
The Constitution was written to maintain slavery AND genocide of Native peoples….And it still is doing its diabolical work to the minority populations of color.
Where are the protections for them? And what happened to them? What about the century of Jim Crowe? What about the genocide of millions of Native Americans? What about that?
Oh, you might say, the 13th and 14th Amendment changed this….But back at you is Plessy v Ferguson, that virtually paralyzed civil rights for 100 years and validated Jim Crowe. Or how about the ingenious Electoral College, that has elected two Presidents who didn’t win the popular vote in 12 years; leaving a legacy of minority conservatism? And what color were these “minority vote elected Presidents”? And how did they behave in office?
Trump complains about the attacks on the legitimacy of his election, claiming a witch hunt. PEOPLE ARE MAD ABOUT THE ELECTION BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WIN! The Constitution won….written by slave owners!
And now the court again, with this LGBT case and the census case, will likely vote with a conservative minority on two issues with huge import for millions of people.
Every poll indicates that the majority has moved on from xenophobia and homophobia. A small minority of Christian nuts demand punishment for the LGBT communities (who haven’t ever hurt anyone) based on some obscure verses in a Bible that any scholar will tell you has parts of it that were written for hateful and racist reasons.
A small minority of white supremacists demand a crack down on migrants of color and a roll back of civil rights with a wing nut argument that white people are somehow superior.
Really? Who’s about WWI…or WWII…what “race” led the world into a cataclysmic disaster that killed almost 100,000,000 people…What “race” invented the atomic bomb that everyday threatens the human race? What “race” killed 6.5 million Jews and 200,000,000 Native Americans in the “new world”?
And finally what “race” has filled the atmosphere with CO2 that threatens mankind?
This is white supremacy? This is civilization? This horror of humanity deserves to run the world?
I think not.
The People have spoken on both issues, that the census should not be a police witch hunt to find illegals and LGBT is not a disease or is none of our business what sexual orientation a person is.
So now, just like in the mid Twentieth Century, the Senate blocks majority legislation and the Supreme Court acts like a Salem Witch trial, taking 0n one wish Hit List of racist and homophobia at a time…
And “We the People” lose every damned time!
What is eroding is the faith of the People in the government. What is eroding is allegiance to a country that does not serve the needs of the majority of its citizens, but buckles under to the hateful minorities that thrive on pain and destruction!
So once again we adhere to a tyranny of a minority that has bedeviled this country for over 200 years; resulting in a Native American genocide, a brutal Civil War, a Jim Crowe era of mass lynchings and a tyranny against people who happen to have a different sexual orientation.
Many Constitutional Scholars will tell you the Constitution is deeply flawed, with the Electoral College, the Supreme Court imbalances and the Senate (a mix of racism and prejudice guarantees that bedevil the country every day).
The brutal fact is the Constitution has enabled anti-human being polices for over 200 years!
Where is it written that a country has to have a body of law that is sacred, that history has already decided was for heinous reasons: maintaining the most brutal slavery in human existence, codifying a legal system that tolerated one of the largest genocides in human history AND perpetuated a civil rights horror; producing huge swaths of human suffering for hundreds of years???
White supremacists know exactly how to thwart any progress by non-white, non Christian and yes non heterosexual majorities; USE the Supreme Court, the Senate and the Constitution! And that exactly is what we are seeing right now!