Trump Loses Finally!
A multi-state effort, including California, to block President Donald Trump’s executive order ending the constitutional right of birthright citizenship won a victory Thursday, when a federal judge in Massachusetts issued a preliminary injunction barring the order from going into effect until the legal challenge is resolved.
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Ending the birthright for citizenship are you kidding me….this has been in effect forever.
What Trump is trying to do is cause Democrats to lose their rights of election.
This is classic fascist behavior. And Trump always has an alternative reason for doing things…in this case get more Democrats off the election role..
This is classic fascist behavior…destroying democracy as much as he can.
Luckily his popularity has plummeted the last few days…after only 2 weeks of his taking the oath as President.
For a few days he was pretty popular but now….dropping like a rock.
It is hoped the same thing happens to the Republicans in Congress….
Right now Trump has threatened and made angry several groups…from teenagers to the aged…he is after Medicare…none to big on the elderly.
Trump is doing what he always does…overreached and then kill anything he is close to.
It is time for us to destroy this Presidency ability to harm more people..
Don’t vote for Republicans period!