True Insanity is Doing the Same Think over and over and Expecting…we’ll you know..?

Greg Beale
3 min readJul 25, 2019


Oh boy…oh BOY! Now we get to watch as another nation swallows the poison and goes into an area that in 1941–1945 the world learned is a very bad place. England, good ole England, that led the world into two world wars, whose political system has some of the same fatal flaws in it that America does, is leading the world into hell.

Look, Britain has been in decline for many years…the only thing that propped up its economy was the European Union.

Britain has developed into a third rate country, with high levels of poverty, a science community that is behind; think not?

Ok, how many inventions have come lately (last fifty years) from England. How many social, political, or economic advances can you name…waiting…I’m waiting…

How much of the digital economy has developed in England…?

Why is this? Well causing directly, with huge fatality rates, AND seeing its cities bombed back into the Stone Age, two world wars, might have something to do with it!

England was the poster child of jingoism, nationalism and yes colonialism in 1900. It had its tentacles everywhere, feeding its industries, just as the slave trade had done a hundred years previous.

And its colonies were sought after by Germany for one, which led to WWI. So without even a glimmer of thought, ignoring the American Civil War that showed what “modern warfare” could do, Britain loaded up their troop ships with cavalry and rode on for victory; charging into machine guns and artillery.

I mean military teachers from 1865 to 1914 taught that warfare was changed forever; that weapons of mass destruction ruled the day.

But England, good ole tradition bound England (I mean they STILL have a King and Queen for heavens sake), ordered their cavalry to charge machine guns….with horrendous results.

England…me stupid!

But England won..sort of..losing a generation to death in the intractable drenches of France.

Then they forced a surrender peace on Germany, resorted back to its nationalist tendencies, and elected you guessed it Tories, in a yet another regressive reactionary political spasm.

Which gets us to Lord Chamberlain, and his “Peace for Our Times” bullshit, that happened because Britain was spending too much time on nationalism and licking it wounds. And Hitler rejoiced!

England is directly responsible for Hitler’s rise. That’s right DIRECTLY.

The Versailles Treaty was punitive, and caused a world wide depression, that drove the rise of dictators around the world. Mean I can write that truth in one sentence for GAWD’s sake…Why can’t England, with all its scholars (?), get that.

And the leaders at Versailles too, promised the Moon and delivered the sun…hot molten sun, than drenched everyone in death.

Nationalism caused WWI and worse grew into malignant fascism that caused WWII. I mean beginning World History students know that!

And here we go again…once again England, this time following the lead of (shudder) the United States, is trusting a demagogue to save them in their “confusion” about the European Union; but really in racist fear of “those people” who are migrating from an Africa that simply is to damned hot to live in anymore.

So they elect another fool, who, like all fools, doesn’t have the courage or character to tell the people what they don’t want to hear, but lives on the lies they want to hear.

This will not go well!



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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