Talk About Self Destruction
“Ryan also blamed Trump for GOP election losses in recent years.
“He’s cost us a lot of seats,” Ryan said. “He cost us the Senate twice. He cost us the House because he is nominating, he is pushing through the primaries people who cannot win general elections but who pledge fealty to him.”
Ryan, who added that he doesn’t support President Joe Biden either, said voters have been given “terrible choices” for the Nov. 5 election.
“In a country with 350 million people, this is the choice we have?” Ryan said. “I, like the majority of Americans, wish we had a different choice.” ”
Suddenly it dawned on Republicans like Paul Ryan, who was run out of Congress by MAGA.
Suddenly the old saying, “Everything Trump touches dies”, becomes real like it always does.
Trump has a knack for leadership, that is leadership into the shit house.
Trump has a knack for destroying things. This occurs because Trump is so self centered, plus suffering from dementia, and when he gets into any situation he always takes the path of lying and deceit.
And now as Alzheimer’s takes hold, he gets so mixed up he actually intensifies the glow of destruction that flows with him constantly.
It took Ryan a longtime and his political career, to realize what Trump is: POISON!
Fox News supports Trump constantly, and is rewarded with crippling law suits that Trump caused them….The Republican Party has supported Trump (actually they are afraid of him), with disastrous results.
What is amazing to me, is how long it usually takes to realize that they are getting screwed by an incompetent con man.
That is all that Trump is, a con man who is like a bull in a China Shop….
I have MAGA friends who get real silent when it is pointed out to them that they are getting conned, with always, I mean always disastrous results.
During the real “steal” when Trump “defeated” Hillary, (she actually won the popular vote), Trump killed millions of people with his incompetence approach to the pandemic…..
And now, the latest “brain storm” calls for huge tariffs if he is elected President again….going down the rabbit hole like they did with tariffs after WWI, that spawned the Great Depression. WE KNOW NOT TO DO THIS…THE 1930s AND WWII CAME DIRECTLY FROM THE DAMNED TARIFFS THAT CAUSED THE WORLD DEPRESSION!
I mean it, Trump wants huge tariffs, and wants to destroy Social Security AND the income tax….
This will result in another Great Depression and a war.
Once again everything this idiot touches dies….It just does.
Wake up, vote for Biden and get rid of this Loony forever.
It is your country to help destroy if you stay MAGA…..TRUMP ALWAYS DESTROYS THINGS AND PEOPLE…ALWAYS…