Tolerating their subversive conduct will only make it worse. So call the FBI…I wouldn’t do it for local sheriffs because many of them are part of the conspiracy that Trump has so artfully invented. But there are sources of racial justice that will be glad to take your information.
Be sure of your accusations, but don’t sit on them, like “tolerant” people do.
Trump is behind all of this, and he works twenty four seven to keep at it..because that is the only power he has…to disrupt and create a fatal imbalance of tolerance.
It is responsibility when faced with racism and fascism…That is the trick of fascism it hides behind our hesitancy…
This article is what is wrong right now in this country, that lies a half a foot away from losing its democracy to a dictator worshipping minority. The author is mistaking intolerance for the very thing it is there for..intolerance of racism and fascism is NOT the same as the racism they oppose…Racism is intolerance weaponized…it is lawless and is restrained only with strength.
In Germany they kept waiting for reason to take didn’t…and the society was destroyed down to the last brick.
Watch Trump, he always is trying to personify “strength”, often stupid and ill advised, but it results in strength and victory over his opponents. My struggle is how Hitler called it, and he never wavered from his goals…His opponents waffled all the time, because they were wrongly trying to placate a mad dog.
Fascism is like a dog with rabies, suddenly your best friend is snarling at you, biting you and if long enough in the disease sadly has to be put down.
Hatred is never good, because as Hannah Arendt so wisely put it, hatred closes off the mind, it makes people stop thinking.
But you can react, you can work for justice and mercy, without thinking!
Right now we have a political and constitutional crisis in the United Stares that only could be rivaled by the Civil War. It is that bad.
And the cause is fascist racism period!
And many of my liberal friends are fretting because they don’t want to become haters, like the right wing Trump supporters, who openly hate them.
In short, they give a pass to haters and decline to do anything…
Who is getting hurt by this…the minorities of course, who currently are dying from a racist weaponized pandemic at record numbers: it is the American thing to give smallpox ridden blankets to the Sioux to kill them, same thing a refusing to cure a pandemic because it helps kill more people of color. We are witnessing a genocide right in front of our lives, and doing nothing, because, well, its is happening to THEM.
The right wing openly hates liberals, they even attack physically, carry long rifles, demean, attack always. They are thusly treated as strong and decisive in stark contrast to the weak, the rational….
They have taken over my home town and many others up and down rural states.
They are fascists pure and simple and they HATE YOU. And the hatred is not based wholesale ignorance of history. They all buy into the KKK’s explanation of race relations…It is racism and prejudice weaponized through fascism, it is NOT new…it is the same old blue print that was used in over and over again to destroy people of color. Trump is purposefully retarding any kind of positive reaction to the pandemic beef cause it is killing his opponents.!
So what do you do..rise above it right, turn the other cheek?
That has been tried before and did not work!
It had to get to war…and that simply is not an option. So give in right? Wrong
Call their employer and tell them the hate that their employee is using, be sure you get it right…be accurate, and only if they let on to the conspiracy…
Do not tell the person you are going to do it…do it. First call the FBI. First call authorities in law enforcement or other tolerance protecting organizations, like the Southern Law and Poverty Conference.
Shun the person, and if they are family take them out of the will…I mean that. Let them know their are consequences for their fascism…AND racism.
Being an antiracist as a white person will suffer consequences…fighting for justice has consequences…being tolerant of the Master does not help, it only makes it worse.
That is what drove the former slaves to join the Union army, working for less money if at all, and sacrificed their lives to end chattel slavery…that is the risk taking that my father in law took a former Jew who fought up through Italy, earning through blood every decoration except the Medal of Honor.
Fascists do not like being isolated,it sucks away their strength…but they do love the unquestioning tolerance of the left…and they perceive it ALWAYS as weakness. They are encouraged by your inaction.
Then bury them with facts with truth..over an over again. Challenge them on every point and do not give in..and do it with not back down. And turn them in!
Also bury them with consequences for their unlawful behavior..If they flaunt their guns, they are breaking the law…if they conspire, again the law is broken.
When they rant write it down…
And keep your distance, send no return messages, because they are sick.
But turn them in. That’s right, rat out your friends!
That is what an anti-racist is, a fighter who doesn’t give an inch to a racist fascist…
Don’t allow their behavior, find a chapter of the ACLU, the NAACP, the Southern Law Poverty Conference and rat out the haters….and a fascist, whose remember has a brain that is sick, will tell you straight up what they plan to do…
This is not to be used in casual conversations, some are not all the way gone. But some have passed from just talk into action…and they are growing in number.
If they brag about breaking the rules on the pandemic, call their boss and them…be factual, use pictures….obey the law but be intolerant of racism!
Remember the pandemic has been weaponized by the President of the United States to KILL those who would vote against him.
Why, because racism ALWAYS MORPHS INTO FACISM!
Breaking the laws regarding the pandemic is part of the fascism that Trump has created…He is using the anger and frustration over the pandemic and its threats, for power. And it is genocide pure and simple.
Fascism is hinged to racism in almost every case, this is what drives Trump’s base, it is white supremacy and white privilege screaming in rage by what they see happening around them…minorities are growing in strength through the Democratic Party. Minorities are everywhere AND this is used by Trump to hate, to react and to attack.
If we waffle, if we again duck our heads and look the other way, we are in on a fascist take over once again of our government.
Huh, when else did they take over? Well how about 1876 when RB Hayes gave up the south to the plantation owners, what about 1919 when an ailing Wilson sold the world into the racist hell he lived, how about 1972 when Nixon used the southern strategy to end the civil rights era and the New Deal at the same time, how about 1980 when Reagan won with “welfare Queens” and racism supported the rest of the destruction of the New Deal, how about 1995 when Clinton, a southerner sold out African Americans with the New Jim Crowe, how about 2000 when the Electoral College once again acted exactly like it was invented to do, and elected a President who then got us involved in permanent warfare that goes on to this day…and 2016 when a totally unqualified person of fascism was elected again by the Electoral Racist College that was built to do exactly what it always does, end racial justice.
Think not? Ask a person of color about the above paragraph…
Trump even uses the above, openly at his “appearances” that are hours of hate, of calling into action the KKK and white supremacists.
Republicans, who are doing the white supremacy will, who cannot challenge Trump’s base else lose their seats are fostering fascism, in desperate attempts to maintain power.
The power is in fascism not the pathetic Republican Party.
Democrats have finally, after generations of being worse than today’s Republicans, changed..
They have changed , because the core of the party is diverse and finally inclusive…In short, minorities have a full say in the future of the Democratic Party and liberals are fostering it.
But, there always is a punishment for doing the right thing because the Constitution of the United States was built to support a government of racism and prejudice…
And that is a call to battle for racist America..who has ruled us for over 200 years.
That leaves the Republican Party as the party of the traditional extreme, the evangelical abortion haters, the anti-ACA zealots who never quit…it is like the Salem Witch Trials. when a scared minority decides to kill.
And make no mistake, they will kill you…
So what do you you hate like them, or do you decide to fight back, as fairly as you can, but decisively, ending friendships, shunning them, and not hiding their behavior from their boss?
The longer we wait to fight back the more the odds that we will lose, just like in the past.
Only this time, the Democratic Party’s status, will doom us to be also targets of a racist backlash like existed from 1870 to 1965. Liberals are already being branded from the beginning as lovers of “them”…the theme who racist fascists hate.
Liberals are targets now just like people of color!
Be accurate and be accurate with proof, in a work place breaking of rules of human rights…for example, if Uncle Jim is railing at Thanksgiving about “N Word” of a fellow worker, over dinner then call the authorities and tell them about the threat.
They will not shy from telling you, phrases like “Kill Obama”..or”Kill the Governor” or destroy this or destroy that…
These are sedition statements and often against the law…Many of the Trump supporters already are conspiring with their friends to disrupt the political system and they are taking action, not just with words..and they will brag like all authoritarians do..
If you know that, get the evidence (they often write it down) and turn it into law enforcement.
This is being a militant anti-racist!
Why? Why do that to a “friend”…because they aren’t who they used to be, they are ill with totalitarianism and cannot literally help themselves..
If you doubt this read “Anatomy of Fascism” or the host of books today about the growth of fascism in the world…
Only we can stop it, either by stopping it from taking over the government (and they almost have) or having to fight like we did in 1941.
Those are the only choices…tolerance is not one of them!