What an example of unfairness. If the defendant in this case was a black or brown person, they would have been getting out of a five year prison sentence right now.
“Justice” of the hopelessly corrupt legal system is on parade and it stinks.
If the defendant in this case, and the others that Trump is “facing”, were happening, the defendant would be in jail years ago.
The president does NOT have immunity from criminal cases…in fact he didn’t have immunity in most of the cases that it has taken over five years to get to.
If it was you or me, we would be in jail right now..and would have been put there years ago.
Find me any legal protection for the “President” in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution or any other area of law, to the extent that Trump has “enjoyed”.
Pundits are writing about how the delays as not right, and Trump enjoys them because he if rich. The allegations are richly deserved. HE DID IT.
Remember this case was started when Trump was running for President !
Fact: ALL RICH PEOPLE GET THE SAME “PROTECTION”. It’s called drag it out until the case dies.
There is a huge double standard between middle class people, of all colors, and rich people.
Lawyers, ALL LAWYERS, are being disclosed for the cheats they are. They are not for justice, they are in it for MONEY.
Find me a starving lawyer…go ahead find me one.
Long ago lawyers became a “entitled” class, who make money by stalling justice. The longer they stall, the more money they make.
I know what you are thinking, the lawyers must wait for the end of trials to get their pay.
Not so. Rich people begin paying their lawyer from the get go!
And Trump has benefitted for this “system of justice”…..not now…but for over 10 years.
The present case occurred before Trump ran for President almost 8 years ago…Add a couple and the credit ( and he did it by the way) for this ridiculous amount of time, and you see the horror of the present “legal system”.
Meanwhile the poor black kid, that as a 17 year old stole a chocolate bar from a store, is just finishing his 5 year term in prison.
Rich people don’t go to jail, only poor people do in Amerikkka!
The KKK by the way is Klu Klux Clan!