Greg Beale
4 min readMay 17, 2020


This was written in response to a caustic article written by a pundit, who leans heavily to the right. This is the truth of the economy!

Good ole Dan Walters. Always, I mean always he is on the attack..

Look, we are in a Depression…but that Depression was already here BEFORE the pandemic.

Huh…I am sure you are wondering is Beale nuts again?

About 25 percent of American workers, were unemployed or underemployed before the pandemic.

We had great employment numbers, the stock market was on fire, but like a house built out cards, many of the foundational parts were missing.

California for example, has and had a huge homelessness population. But, many of these homeless were woking. Actually, the half homeless, those who boarded with friends, slept in their R.Vs.etc. So we had an underclass, even in Silicon Valley.

And all of them, that hidden 25 percent, showed up as full employment, when really it was underemployment. People were working two jobs, living in their cars, and still not making enough money to pay the rent.

And that rent was sky high, thanks to the mechanism of poverty called Prop 13, a wrong headed and mean spirited tax cut that gutted public education and started. the nation on this tax cut madness to nowhere.

That nowhere is there now!

There are lots of reasons, but the biggest one you are carrying in your purse or pocket.

The cellphone.

You can order from Amazon, you can order from Wal Mart, you can do your. bank statement, you literally run your household and your financials from your phone. And everything technology touches costs a person their job.

We are a high production economy now, with a myth that throwing millions of undereducated workers out of work will somehow benefit everyone. High production means producing products with minimal costly labor..hence production is a high level and costs less to produce.

Interesting how this is then sold to the voting public as a helpful thing for human progess and happiness…the American dream is fulfilled this way.

It hasn’t and it won’t.

And millions of full employment jobs went away a long time ago..concentrating the wealth into the pockets of the digital elite.

Statistics don’t lie…we have the largest wealth gap in human history right now both in the country and in California.

Manufacturing. economic stability was lost to ROBOTS and technology without any assistancefor a manufacturing workforce who morphed into MAGA robots; voting for a madman for president. It wasn’t the unions that gutted manufacturing. What took away the good manufacturing union jobs….ROBOTS.

Charter school, non site based (Independent study on a computer) is right now gutting the unionized teacher corps in Californias…And the kids don’t learn a thing. And the students learn zero personal relationship skills, and zero team building skills. You can’t build a team with a computer….

But who cares, it reduces taxes, and shoves the profit into the pockets of the digital elite.

People are angry for a reason, but cleverly the Republican Party, now a plutocratic fascism, hides. the truth.

And they blame the Democrats.

And because Democrats believe in a global economy, the blame sticks.

Bill Clinton goes on for hours about the global economy, and he was a pioneer in it. But he had a Republican Congress (remember) that refused to pass legislation that would have more humanely transitioned the workforce into a post industrial mode (like say Finland or Germany).

In short, the plutocrats got way richer, and the forgotten industry worker, the manufacturing middle class organized labor worker, was left behind. But Democrats were trying, Republicans stopped them at every turn…passing Prop 13 in California, selling the lie that wealth would “trickle down”..


It didn’t and isn’t.

The recession of 2008 never really went away. The underlying causes of an economy for the haves, with a huge number of have nots, needed just a nudge to fall apart….like a house of cards.

Does anyone out there wonder why a three week “shut down” so easily gutted the economy.

The reason is this was planned all along…the plutocrats just needed an excuse to cut labor even further, which of course rewards profits massively.

Now, the ultimate disaster, a huge federal deficit that was purposely created so the Republican fascists could cut the few remaining parts of a tattered economic safety net. And the big targe, the hated Obama Health Care Plan AND SOCIAL SECURITY.

That’s right Social Security…the bogey man that Republicans have hated since it was passed…and along with it, Medicare.

These are all on the chopping block in the fascist playbook!

In short, the federal government is being scaled back to pre-1932 levels… is a cultural and economic war that is tearing the country apart.

Elan Musk cries and screams and threatens to take his robot driven plant to Texas..and the Governor grovels because he know who really is the boss; plutocracy, evil, vengeful and ultimately hopelessly greedy!

The Republicans plutocrats know exactly what they are doing…

Unfortunately, a Depression was always coming, because America refuses to run a fair economy, refuses to deal with true economic opportunity, refuses to accept the truth that we all rise or fall together.

So now the bad times…with a Republican Party that is totally incapable of dealing with a poverty they benefit. from.

That is what Good Ole Dan doesn’t mention.

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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