Greg Beale
8 min readDec 20, 2020


I say fire the son of a bitch.

I ran into idiots like this at Stanford….who were SO arrogant in their brilliance that they had the common sense of a piss ant.

Usually these fools are raised in an extreme atmosphere of white privilege. They have NO idea of what ordinary people go through every day.

In a sense, they are a sheltered aristocracy who don’t know about East Palo Alto or Del Paso Heights. They have no idea about what racism and prejudice has done to our culture.

And they will keep electing Trumps to protect they scandalous wealth.

The problem here is white privilege, that still has far fewer deaths than do minorities who make up way less percent of the population.

And the other dying demographic, who still makes up almost 1/2 of the fatalities, are the elderly and the frail.

Nursing homes have been bastardized into death profit factories anyway BEFORE the pandemic.

Did you know that public senior living is gone. Read your latest AARP Newsletter. It will make you sick.

The article shows that most Medical “Skilled Nursing Facilities” are run by Wall Street investors, who cut corners on care all the time..leaving people to sit in overcrowded “assisted living” facilities that were death traps in the first place. It’s all about PROFIT at the expense of quality care.

No other nation on earth pays so much for health care and gets so little back! And you won’t ever hear that from Fox News!

This lying sack of shit got enormously popular committing a crime against humanity on the same scale as the Holocaust!

We are paying billions of dollars to support a “senior care” “INDUSTRY” THAT IS SLYLY A CAPITALIST MONEY MAKER. And patients died like flies before the pandemic…much worse during…40% of the deaths in American from the pandemic are in health care facilities for senior citizens!

I know, my father died in one. And the one he died in was one of the best in Redding, don’t get me wrong, but was in a converted house, with tiny crowded facilities that always were fully occupied. There was simply no adequate sizes facilities for the seniors creating a Petri dish of disease!

In short, the flu, brought in by family visits, killed the “patients” like crazy.

The facility was mostly. Alzheimer’s with people dying all the time. It also had a gate that they wouldn’t fix, that allowed the “inmates” to wander away all the time. The facility was next to the freeway!

And this was one of the best, and it cost like one and. wasn’t Medicaid.

The Medicaid facilities were making the news all the time for countless code violations that killed patients…I was advised by a senior care advisor on care facilities to avoid the Medical Facilities, well, like THE PLAGUE!

A senior going to a “skilled nursing” facility has the fatality rate of WWII!

And that phenomenon is part of the “Industry”. We have made old age facilities of the past into a god damned assembly line of profit with the quality of care the same as a hangman’s!

This is an assessment of the senior care Industry BEFORE the pandemic hit.

Look, our health care system is a disaster. It has been for fifty years…It killed my wife by telling. her, that in her first mammogram at 40 that an inverted nipple was “no big deal:”.

So, as her breast doctor later yelled at me when I asked how this could happen, “He blamed us for ignoring what a health care person called “no big deal”. In short this was malpractice period!

I mean there was serious malpractice, and complaints all the time as we discovered about our “doctor” who simply missed a killer lump in my wife’s breast.

It was malpractice for sure.

Families are going bankrupt all the time sending grandpa and grandma to “quality care for seniors” only to see them die of the flu or of neglect.

Meanwhile some white privileged asshole gets rich off his/her investment!

My wife’s doctor famously said, “What can we do when she was running around with active breast cancer for a year”?

He blamed the victim just like the health care profession often does.

It was a big deal and it killed her. And nobody in the health care industry really gave a shit…

“It happens all the time” I heard over and over again sitting in a chemotherapy treatment facility, to one wrong diagnosis after another. I heard stories that would make you sick, one screw up after another, with the victim dying!

I finally stopped even talking to patient’s loved ones, because almost ALL of them had a horror story.

I remember being told five times that insurance would cover it, then not cover it , then cover it …etc.

It was all about money! I literally spent many sleepless nights figuring out how I could hock the house to get the money to pay for care that insurance refused to pay for.

Where is it written that health care is an insurance your house our your car…those in that insurance liability “industry” actually do not pay for liability…the medical profession. pays, but the insurance company NEVER PAYS A LIABILITY CLAIM!

That is a dirty little secret that only we survivors of heath care malpractice in California know too well. Doctors pay high liability insurance premiums for insurance that is never used because of caps on pay offs for malpractice…

And who get charged more to have that kind of liability insurance…take one guess! WE DO!

THAT is American’s health care system..for example, if you have a malpractice case, no lawyer in California will take it, because of strict limited liability on malpractice that was. placed on all “medicine” by yet another “Proposition” that meant doctors still buy liability insurance, but never have to use it, because of the limit on financial liability is practically zero.

Many of us have health insurance that doesn’t pay for pre-existing conditions until the ACA, and the SCOTUS is probably going to eliminate that!

I sold insurance once…I was aghast during “training” (I actually was a licensed by the state insurance agent) that…Think of it that your money is in his pocket”. And, sell insurance that never pays makes us all rich!

The point was sell insurance to those who don’t need it…or sell insurance that was essentially worthless.

You have heard the best life insurance is buy term life (way less expensive) and invest the difference..But watch out, may insurance policies have escape clauses…

In short, the health Insurance Industry gets really rich, in our privatized care mess!

Ask. a health insurance professional about malpractice insurance in California, it is a joke.

Similar “protections of our industry” exist for All Medicine and ALL Pharmaceutical products…in short the medical profession has a license to kill and a constant “get out of jail” card….

Lawyers just wont’ take most malpractice case for that reason…so the public has no protection from sheer incompetence that this asshole demonstrated!

And every damned time we try to undo this mean spirited restriction the people stupidly keep approving it…costing lives and suffering every year.

Why would a doctor be careful and prudent if there is no check on their authority? Many don’t give a shit…..they drive around in their expensive cars and live in thousands of square feet mansions while the rest of us starve.

It has build a medical “care” industry that puts profits ahead of EVERYTHING…

Doctors and hospitals get ridiculously. rich while we the people die.

The medical industry is protected from the stupidity and neglect that characterizes many health care facilities in the United States.

After all it is an “Industry”…

Find me one other health care “industry” in the world…go ahead find one…that has the same death toll than the United States…even “failed states” who went to socialized medicine have better systems.

I was advised constantly to take my wife to MEXICO for treatment because it was better there…

I am not kidding!

The rest of the world has a public health care system that cures disease and cares for he sick..We have a system that exists for profit only and cheats us all the time…

We stand in line in their offices, we stand in line in their clinics and our loved ones still get sick.

And people are getting scandalizing rich off of it. Think not?

When I was young, doctors were in fact under paid. We had county hospitals that provided decent care for those who could not afford the private hospitals…those county hospitals are mostly gone now, or masquerade as public (like the nursing homes) when really they are profit making.

Public health has been gutted and privatized and is THE reason why the pandemic death is so huge.

Meanwhile, the Administration filed a law suit that will get to the Supreme Court soon that might. negate the Affordable Care Act in the middle of a pandemic.

Can you imagine any other country on earth doing that? In the middle of the worst pandemic since the Black Death, the SCOTUS has RIGHT NOW a decision in front of it that might kill the ACA…leaving millions without ANY health care protection.

And Trump who helped set up the suit, promised pre-existing conditions would be covered by his health care superior plan.

Anyone read that lately…THERE IS NONE.

And who is healthy? The super rich INSURANCE INDUSTRY of course. They never suffer! They just vote for Trumps over and over again.

Insurance makes huge money when certain conditions are not paid for (pre existing conditions for example).

In short insurance is a gold mine because when it collected premiums and excludes any pay out: Like liability insurance for doctors…or selling devious policies that exclude what you are buying the insurance for.

We live an a god damned aristocracy of crooks!

I mean Trump got the virus and got “experimental” drugs, so did many of his “advisers” and none of them have died…Rich people simply don’t die from the pandemic…it is a poor persons nightmare!

The rich “recover quickly”….why

BECAUSE THEY ARE RICH and can afford “experimental” treatments…

I mean Trump infected many of his “advisers” and NOBODY has dies. Rudy the crook, got it, was fed rare medicines that only the super rich can get, and waked away bragging that it was “not big thing”..

Tell that to the grieving son of a Mexican American mother, or a African American spouse who lost loved ones, alone!

We are at the mercy of a rich plutocratic elite who kill us for profit. What we are seeing is a genocide of poor people of color and poor white people who have to work in “industries” that see the rich get richer and the poor die!

The concept of health care as an industry is the problem and not the solution.


Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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