The Same ole Racist White Male Middle Rich Caste!!!!
This is what. I have said all along…Racism and Prejudice runs Trump’s electors.
This is especially the case, since the President Elect (we hope) is a woman and of color…not much but one drop has always meant full race.
Of course race is not valid…all human beings share blood, and every other physical piece….
The difference is not class, it is caste…that still moves MAGA’s to hatred of Democrats.
“How could they put forth a “nigger” they secretly say. And they mean it.
So they will vote from a candidate who is Alzheimer’s ridden, who is a felon, who is an horrible human being who has already told us he will make decisions for the rich only.
In short, the white middle class is voting for Trump for business reasons…that run directly against their vital interests.
Just like before the Great Depression, the middle class watched and actually bought shares of an economy that was totally in trouble.
The rich once again used the Congress and the President in an insane economics tariff that destroyed the WORLD ECONOMY and led to the Great Depression.
Trump, as a billionaire, believes in the same thing…he hates world commerce…he wants all the money to stay with the top 1%…the same madness that was the practice in 1929.
Then, the world was plunged into a World Wide Depression, that led to the rise of fascism all over the world, blaming minorities for a depression that they had nothing to do about.
Jews did not cause the Great Depression, the idiots that signed the WWI peace treaty unfairly destroyed Germany, leading to a fascist leader, Hitler, to carry the world into the worst war in human history.
It was the stupidity of white male rich people, who led the world into a Depression…
This time it ran into an enraged middle class, who finally elected FDR, and the economy improved (only because of WWII)….but brought in Social Security, stopped Tariffs, increased taxation on the super rich, and totally enraged the white rich.
Trump is one of those white rich…and he is trying to take us back into 1929….
Pathetic..simply pathetic…
Wake up…Vote.