The Problem of I-Phones in School
I saw this Sacramento Bee article on the Sacramento Bee app and thought you’d be interested.
A bleak new look at exactly what our children are doing on their phones | Opinion
“Parents have no idea what’s going on,” explained the filmmaker Lauren Greenfield, speaking after a screening last Friday. “There’s this whole world parents don’t know about.”” Sac Bee
I can remember that passing notes while the teacher turned his back was done all the time..Now, with the proper equipment, a student can have a small device in his/her ear and actually listen in to his girl/boy friend while the teacher goes on and on..
I can see why this is a problem…I think students should park their phones at the office…But this is not possible, because of the threat of outsiders coming on campus and not being able to call the cops on them.
Asst. Principals, of whom I was one, have a hard job to do right now…
One solution that the MAGA’s fight, is gun control..There is no reason for 99% of Americans to have a gun…but the good ole MAGA, who screw up the world, still will not allow gun control, while hundreds are gunned down.
When will it end?