The Peculiar Institution and Racism

Greg Beale
19 min readJul 19, 2019


So the apologists continue to deny Trump’s Racism and in their own words, the racism just oozes all over the place.

We see Republicans stumbling all over themselves trying to lessen Trump’s racist speech that prompted the crowd to chant sending his political black opponents to go back to where they came from…a common slave era statement.

Lincoln, Grant and other abolitionists actually believed the same thing. It wasn’t enough that a brutal slave system had uprooted millions of Africans; no….they had to free them and them send them “back where they came from”.

This to cover what was a crime against humanity for profit; a crime that still has not been reconciled.

Racial Science was invented by the colonizers to justify to an increasingly enlightened and democratic world a slave system that degraded all the human species for the reason that it made a lot of people very rich!

Look, racism is a made up concoction.

There is no such thing as race in reality. AGAIN, THERE IS NOT SUCH THING AS RACE.

There are no different races of the human species….none.

DNA and the mapping of the human genome shows practically the same map of all human beings, black, white, yellow etc.

In fact, if you look at your arm right now, it is not black or white, it is a shade of brown (more so in the summer).

Your brain, all of your insides are interchangeable with other human beings (if medically possible) as long as your blood type matches.

Ever wonder? If there are different races, then why are kidneys donated in organ transplants to all human beings? How is it that blood transfusions work for ALL human beings as long the blood type matches? If we have different races then how is it that blood is interchangeable?

It’s the human genome dummy! The map was finished in the early 1990s. We, all homo sapiens, are THE SAME!

Unlike Jefferson and Lincoln, we have the advantage of modern science to debunk the racial and racist myths.

And we also have the advantage of REAL History to prove that racism was a myth, a lie, that was made up to justify the enslavement, extermination, of people of “color” whose only crime is they got in the way, or were used to grow, a rapid expansion of wealth called the Industrial Revolution.

And those who say racism is “saying one RACE is better than other” are being racist and don’t even know it. Those who hold to the delusion that “people of color are inferior” or that white people are superior are scientifically wrong.

I mean as wrong as thinking the earth is flat!

What? You say? Ok, listen for once….

In 1492 Columbus invaded America and a brutal form of colonization and extermination of human beings took place for over 600 years (it is still going on). Columbus’ voyage was connected with Spain finally driving the Moors out of Spain and Portugal after 700 plus years of domination by Islam. Columbus sold his voyage to find a trade route to China (one explanaton) or a way around the Islamic blockade of a route to the Holy Land (another explanation), but most certainly to seek gold to pay for the 700 years that the Spanish and the Catholic Church had failed to dislodge the Islamic Caliphates that dominated Europe.

That’s right, from 700 AD to 1492 AD, Africans dominated Europe.

Didn’t learn that in your history books did you…Another racist manifestation….!

In the next 300, (1500 to 1800), years Portugal started a slave trade to provide manpower to the colonies in the “New World”. Portugal started it, England finished it and passed it off to the Americans.

This slave system included South, Central and Northern America by the way. Some of worst slavery, and the most slave rebellions, were in the Caribbean (Haiti comes to mind)…

Portugal had been a victim of Moor colonization from 700 to 1492; for 700 years plus it and Spain were colonized by Black Africans. And the Portuguese, as they lost battles, had to pay for the losses with slaves that were sent to Africa.

What? White slaves…..?

Huh? I can almost hear you wonder; what is he talking about?

It’s called History …real history not a pack of lies made up by racists. You see racism thrives on mis-information, building a theory of white supremacy that NEVER could allow that at one time Africans dominated Europe. And this racism feeds fascism.

So why is there this con? Why the original sin?

Well, these were Christian nations and rather than admit that they were exploiting Africa slaves for manpower, they developed a slave system unique to the known world and history at the time, based on a made up justification of racial differences between human beings based mostly on the color of a person’s skin.

It evolved quickly into chattel slavery, which meant the slave status was forever, his/her offspring slaves forever. Later in its development, chattel slavery actually led to the breeding of human beings; a crime against humanity.

Up until this development of chattel slavery, even the slavery of the Jews by Egypt was not as all encompassing. This was a new development in mankind’s inhumanity to other men (and women). Slavery it is true is part of human history; but usually as punishment for a crime, or as a war tribute. All, I mean all of ancient slavery was short termed, even in Rome, with an end to the slave’s term. Now sometimes this meant the gladiator was killed in combat for the masses, but there still was an end to slavery.

Chattel slavery for the first time in human history made human beings Permanent property for life.

In about 1500 the Enlightenment began. It actually was going on in the Islamic sphere of influence for centuries. In fact, the basis of the enlightenment and the Renaissance was due to the Islamic influence during the “dark ages” in Europe.

Literacy rates increased, art and the Renaissance developed, huge cathedrals were built with serf labor in a feudal system that saw a monotheistic theory develop in most European nations; the Catholic Church was all powerful, constantly facing off against Islam.

Firearms developed with stolen technology from China. Trade routes were expanded to include the new world, during the Moslem hegemony. When the Moslem world declined about 1500, Christian nations took over the trade routes, expanding colonialism over the further subjugating indigenous people.

Europe especially did not have the manpower to develop the explosion of “capitalism” they called it mercantilism at the time). The Dark Ages and the plague had reduced European populations to numbers well below when Rome dominated.

An endless flow of manpower was needed and fast. But the Plague had decimated much of Europe. The Moslems finally left and Europe simply did not have the population to travel to the “New World” to exploit what Columbus had “found”. (Actually there is mounting evidence that not only did the Vikings travel to New England previous to Columbus, but Moors may have done so as well. DNA in Native Americans shows African heritage!).

So there was an immediate need for cheap and plentiful manpower.

Portugal, who had been partially enslaved by the Black African Caliphates, white Portuguese slaves were actually shipped to Africa as war tribute (with limits on the time they spent as slaves) decided a slave trade was an opportunity!

So Portugal in a form of “payback”, when they got the chance and the Moor occupation ended in about 1500, decided to try African slavery (aided by the Moors decline that led to tribal wars in West Africa) to drive colonialism in the “New World”.

Tribes were bribed to turn over war tribute slaves, Portuguese slave traders traded guns for slaves, starting tribal wars that have in some cases lasted into the 21st Century.

War loves power vacuums. The decline of the Islamic Caliphates directly led to tribal warfare in Africa from 1500 to 1900, and European slave traders took advantage by basically trading guns for people.

As more colonies were developed in the Americas, sugar and rice became cash crops; followed by cotton and tobacco. These were very labor intensive crops that could not be developed without millions of workers. The market for people, slaves, grew exponentially. 20 million African slaves were moved from Africa to the New World from 1500 until 1810.

Within about 200 years from Columbus “discovering America, the need for workers exploded and was satisfied with African slaves.

The Catholic Church declined in power in Europe, and real nation states began to develop. The Doctrine of Discovery was an effort by the Catholic Pope to go along with the European invaders and be sure only Catholic nations gained colonies dominated by Catholics.

However, Protestantism grew and religious warfare shifted from Islam vs Catholics (700 to 1500) to Protestants versus Catholics. The English had a Civil War that pitted Anglican versus Catholic, with the Catholics losing.

Religious war refugees made up many of the initial and later refugees who fled the religious warfare for a promised religious freedom in the new world. Freedom meant you could worship as you pleased and not have to join an army of the “saints” to protect it.

However this added a religious component to the conquering of Native American nations, pitting god fearing protestants against “red skinned pagans”. The teachings of Christ were swiftly supplemented to the greed of the mercantile trading companies that colonized what is now New England.

The African Slaves were introduced to, or quietly assumed, Christian teachings (without books, slaves were forbidden to read) that the slave owners encouraged, using a few Biblical passages and lies to teach the slaves obedience not only to God, but to their slave owners. Religion was used to reinforce a slave’s obedience; teaching that rebellion was against God’s wishes.

Often the lash or worship was a choice that the recalcitrant slave was faced with, and often worship was chosen. Obedience was absolute, but killing a slave was a bad idea, since their value was enormous. Beating obedience into a slave however, was a good idea.

The newly minted nation states, led by Great Britain and Queen Elizabeth’s destruction of the Spanish Fleet, made Britain suddenly into a budding global economic power. This developing Monarch fronted Parliamentary democracy became a blue print for the New World, especially in Britian’s main colony, the America Colony.

And Britain quickly adopted the Portuguese system of slavery; which was now chattel slavery, meaning the slave was for life and PROPERTY. The mercantile class grew quickly in Britain and in the American colonies fed by increasing raw materials, rice, tobacco, sugar and finally cotton. Capitalism was born on the backs of chattel slavery. The plantation system evolved quickly, combining British aristocracy with chattel slavery, resulting in a ruling class in the south every bit as strong as the Lord of the Manors had been during feudal times.

Importantly, this did not develop in the north, that absorbed more white immigrants from Europe and had slaves, but not many.

There were no labor demanding cash crops, so the north became the home for the textile industry and the shipping industry that carried cotton, rice, some sugar and tobacco to Europe. A slave trade triangle developed. Raw crops sent to the industries of the north, then milled into clothing, cigars, etc, then shipped to Europe for cash that then was carried to Africa to buy slaves who were shipped to the south and sold…then repeat…

The economy of the north was far less dependent on slaves and more on white workers for the industries that depended on the south for the raw materials for the industries that developed quickly from 1776 to 1860.

In the Virginia colony the first chattel black slaves were delivered in 1620. Twenty million would follow. For the time this was very big business!

So the roots of chattel slavery were in the south, the home of tobacco and rice. Rice of all things was first; later tobacco and king cotton of course was the driving force behind slavery. The manufacturing centers were in the north. Importantly, both south and north were in on the profits of the slave trade, the resulting manufacturing boom and the shipping of goods to the “old world”. The mercantile class, exemplified by Benjamin Franklin, “tolerated” slavery as long as the raw materials for the northern factories were provided; hence the name for slavery in the north; a Peculiar Institution, not a mortal crime against humanity.

The Native Americans were puzzled that the European colonizers treated land as property… and they were quickly terrified when the colonizers began treating them like property. Columbus did this initially followed by Portugal and England. It became quickly apparent, to Columbus who instantly enslaved the curious Native Americans, that they made poor slaves. One, they died of European diseases and two, they knew where to run and hide.

So very quickly, African slaves became the only staple of colonization labor in the Americas.

Remember, these were Christian colonizers. These were also Protestant Colonizers, believing that the New Testament was supreme to Catholic ritual and character and love of your neighbors, helping the poor, was more important than tradition and ritual.

The teachings of the New Testament, in contrast to the more negative Old Testament were the basis of the Protestant movement. And the “Golden Rule” was a huge impediment to an economy that need the extermination of human beings as one of its elements, followed by brutal chattel slavery as the other; hence the term, America’s Original Sin.

This tension, in the American “experiment in democracy” was a ticking time bomb of hypocricy.

The Enlightenment also began teaching that the feudal system was not Christian. It began teaching that common people had “certain inalienable rights”. Also, the Industrial Revolution was beginning, calling for the serfs to come in from the manors and work in cities.

People free of serfdom and workers in factories were needed. Free people were needed. Problem is, there wasn’t enough to man the factories and emigrate to the plantations of the New World.

Now a factory worker’s lot wasn’t much better than serfs, read a Dickens Novel, so ex serfs began looking to the “New World colonies” as an opportunity for this thing called opportunity and freedom.

This pressure built especially in Ireland, where a later potato famine drove thousands to emigrate to the Americas.

But the old ways of land ownership meaning status did not change. Remarkably this has maintained itself to the present day.

So a dangerous contradiction evolved, property meant status, the Industrial Revolution needed labor that was no longer tied to the Lord of the Manor, so how to allow the workers to make a living unfettered from the Lord’s rule, but also have the incentive of owning land that was the key to status? The aristocracy in Europe was not about to give up their land. And a budding aristocracy was developing in the south with chattel slavery as its core.

The growing mercantile class, that saw status not in your relationship to the church but by how much money you could make and property you could own, saw an opportunity for wealth in convincing white labor to come to the colonies along with slave labor, in a perfect world of economic exploitation. Capitalism was born in this tension between land acquisition and labor, riches derived by owning land and using white former serfs as foremen with slaves beneath them.

What better system of profit, than to have a group of white men hungry for freedom to someday own a small parcel of land, rule over chattel slaves who had a one time cost of ownership that could be overcome if you bred slaves and then had a perpetual supply of white foremen and black workers. Hence the term white trash was born.

The poor whites of the south, and the north, were in many ways subjugated every bit as the chattel slaves, but the trick the ruling class used was the threat that the poor whites were at least above the slaves. This tension in poor under educated whites still exists today, providing the bulk of Trump’s followers.

The saying went, “Well don’t complain, at least your aren’t a slave”. If you don’t help us with the “darkies” then you will be treated like one. This threat still is used as a class manipulation by racist elites in America, it is called a dog whistle.

Wanton exploitation of nature was also a driving force of this “progress” that has become a nightmare for the modern world, with one deadly outcome of this rapid industrialization is that the climate of the earth has been changed for the worse.

Global warming has become the price of rapid industrialization, deforestation to build the cities of America AND the recent out of control use of fossil fuels have combined to create an existential threat to the very survival of mankind on the planet. Native Americans have long prophesied such a development by the way!

But what about the lifetime slavery system? How did the Enlightenment with the revolutions that were happening that identified a common man with “inalienable rights” who was yearning to be free of serfdom and to live a dream of owning his own land coexist with the ideals of slavery?

How were “All Men Created Equal” be the backbone of the development of the colonies was based on chattel slavery?

They simply wrote the lie down. That’s right, they wrote it down in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Doctrine of Discovery. They made up a narrative of the “uncivilized natives”, of the smaller brained people of color, savages, uncultured lesser human beings using a system of false science, Eugenics in later years, to justify what really was a crime against their fellow human beings.

A nation made up of of equal rights for free laborers could exist, if you defined some people as less than people! A lesser human being, a race if you will, was concocted to cover what was sheer unadulterated crimes against humanity; ie., RACISM and Fascism,

Mercantilists even used parts of the Bible to justify their chattel slavery and extermination system, that changed North, South and Central America from a land of many cultures and even nations into Industrialized Nations using slavery as its core, fictional justifications of lesser human beings, and chattel to build their capitalistic empires.

In a sense a false hierarchy of human beings was made up to justify the economic exploitation of people of color.

But the liberal democracy that spawned the American Revolution and the French Revolution along with the Parlimentary system in England, tripped the ruling class up. There was a persistent idealistic hypocrisy that could not be denied, no matter how many compromises the American Constitution contained.

Race was a lie. It made the American “democratic experiment” a lie that only held the tenuous union together for about 60 years.

The lies that built a very profitable economic system that ultimately did produce the strongest nation in the world based on Enlightenment principals that stressed the common man, were lies of race; that excused these crimes as not crimes, but as basically ethnic cleansing, of using people like cattle, of dehumanizing people for profit. Mercantilism taught a rising middle class that profit trumped morality and human decency. Jesus wasn’t watching apparently.

Jefferson himself in his “Notes on Virginia” admitted as much, both in his refusal to give humanness to his slaves (even to his chattel African wife and several children) and especially not to Native Americans, who he devised two solutions for: extermination or relocation west of the Mississippi. His protege, Andrew Jackson, whose picture Trump trotted out to place in the Oval Office, finished the job with the “Trail of Tears”, a massive relocation of thousands of the “civilized tribes” who had assimilated into the colonies more than even some white settlers. The death toll was enormous in yet again another genocide in American history.

So 200 million Native Americans in 1492 fell to 20 million by 1900. 20 million slaves were shipped to the Americas in about 200 years, many dying along the way, to feed an industrial revolution that made the United States a world power in about 75 years. Two mass genocides occurred to basically build the economies of the Americas, not just the United States, based on a fictitious theory of race.

The fortunes and privilege that this explosion in human opportunity at the expense of million of other human beings, are still with us today; is called white privilege and white supremacy.

For example, Mayflower descendants are legacy Americans passing their wealth from one generation to another. None of these legacy wealthy people are dark skinned! Old money is white money in America. It is very clear who is in control and the age of Trump only substantiates it!

Importantly, some of the white immigrants to America, who were bribed to come, become fabulously wealthy and form part of a privileged white monetary white elite that is Donald Trump, the Krupp brothers; etc etc. There is no doubt who runs things in the United States.

The Senate, for example again southern run by wealthy whites, just like during the Jim Crowe era, rural southern states run Washington, just like Jim Crowe…in effect Trump is but a harbinger of a new Jim Crowe era in the United States 2019 style.

Racist ideology fueled this “progress” until it ran into the Civil War. Enlightenment and Christian political theory was so strong that the United States, built on a series of racist “compromises” caused the Constitution to fall apart due to slavery.

A more perfect union was not possible with a brutal chattel slave system based on a concocted system of race. Abolitionist fervor drove the union to disunion.

The first “modern war” was fought in the United States, with its goal shifting for military reasons after a couple years, into eradicating slavery.

Lincoln had to admit finally what the war was really ending slavery gaining with the Emancipation Proclamation enough African American soldiers, who still were not paid as much as white conscripts, to turn the tide of the war in the Union’s favor.

Part of Lincoln’s “solution to slavery” was for awhile, incredibly, sending the Black Africans back after the war to Africa. Lincoln had substantive plans to literally send all the Africans back after they had lived in the United States, albeit as slaves, for 200 years.

Sound familiar, send them back!?

Some of his plans happened actually in the establishment of Liberia, but overall most ex-slaves decided to stay and fell into a cesspool of racism and backlash from 1865 to present.

The Reconstruction plans was immediately destroyed by the assassination of Lincoln, the leadership of the racist Andrew Johnson and the need to destroy what was left of the Native American nations that still stood in the way of Manifest Destinty and the railroad.

Racism roared out of the tragedy of the Civil War, the lost cause was adopted quickly by a vengeful south, that Johnson let off the hook and a savage form of Jim Crowe repression and legal racism developed in the war ravaged south for 100 years.

Native People were left out of the Constitution and the extermination of their cultures continues to present.

Institutionalized racism hardened the heart of America, called Jim Crowe, and segregation was touted as a solution to “what to do with the freed slaves” basically denigrating an entire group of people based on their skin color into perpetual poverty.

For example, in 2019, African Americans on average after over 50 years of Civil Rights “reform” are actually worse off economically than in 1950!

In short the system of white privilege that racism ensures, is alive and well in America. Even the election of a African American President did absolutely nothing to slow down the hegemony of white privilege that is firmly insured via racsim and prejudice.

And that is what Trump and his ilk are working so hard to sustain. This is nothing new. The thing that was startling was electing an African American as President. The thing that was NOT startling was the inevitable backlash of the white privilege that gave us the Civil War and Jim Crowe.

Obama scared them….into a more aggressive form of white backlash, with about 30 percent of the population dedicated to white nationalism once again coupled with the rest of the white population who talk integration, while fleeing the cities for suburbs that are Lilly white. The ugly truth is most white people in America only talk racial harmony and do absolutely nothing to attain it.

At their best they expect at least white privilege and at their worst racist white supremacy.

The bridge from the openly racist slavery system to the early 20th century, was the invention of Eugenics, totally without scientific proof, to justify a system of Jim Crowe racism and to complete the extermination of Native Americans. States passed laws forbidding “interracial marriage” (there cannot be such a thing since race is an invalid concept), banning Native Americans from having babies in hospitals, segregating education and the military all supported by the totally wrong Eugenics movement, that saw the white race as the superior race that had to be maintained with the destruction of inferior races.

This culminated in the 1970s with a system of sterilization that left Native and African women barren, reasoning that the white “race” was superior (somehow) and deserved to eradicate people of color forever.

This happened while the Congress of the United States passed a Civil Rights Bill and a Voter Rights Bill. In short, racism lived right along side of non racists best intentions! The road to hell is paved with good intentions by the way, evidenced in the “war on drugs” of the 1980s and 90s that saw a mass incarceration of non-violent crime in the name of protecting ghetto areas from drugs, but actually broke minority communities to pieces.

Eugenics by the way, culminated in WWII, where an adherent to the racist yet highly profitable and nation building madness of the Americas, Adolph Hitler, used American born Eugenics pseudoscience to justify the genocide of 6.5 European Jews, who were not of color, but somehow as a different religious group, morphed into a racial out group that was used for a fascist rise to power.

Hitler nearly pulled it off by way, coming within months of breaking Russia and sending the world into permanent warfare.

Again the lie of race was made up to justify political and economic ends. Fascism, which needs racism and prejudice to function, we see in Hitler, Japan, and recently in the United States!

The same United States who survived the Civil War, became the strongest nation of the planet based on racism and the Atomic Bomb.

The shock the Holocaust caused lasted a short time, but was overcome with the racism directed toward out groups including “Communist” Really nationalist Vietnamese, Muslims (those pesky Moors again) and other targets outside of the United States that has produced continual warfare for the United States from 2001 until today.

And now, Americans act incredulous when it is accused as a racist and yes segregated society, as it once again tries hypocricially to fulfill the promises that the enlightenment scholars who owned slaves gave us.

Of course it is hypocritical. Of course it is doomed to failure. Of course! How on earth can the United States live up to its own Bill of Rights when its Constitution still has in it the compromises of the Electoral College, the undemocratic Senate with two Senators in each state no matter how many people live there and a Supreme Court that can be packed by racist Presidents to make sure no meaningful legislation is passed to break the system of white privilege?

And when one reminds his fellow citizens of this white privilege system, that relegates school children to second class status when they are born, you are told as I have been many times, “If you don’t like it leave…Love it or Leave IT, go back to where you came from”…

During the height of the Vietnam War, as we protested, the damning chant we heard was Love it Or Leave It…accusing the protestors of a war that history has universally damned, as traitors who would dare criticize the good old USA!

I can still remember the construction workers chanting USA, USA as they attacked peaceful antiwar demonstrators in New York. I can still remember watching as Richard Nixon broke into Watergate to stop anyone from seeing the truth that in 1968 he had sabotaged the peace talks in Vietnam, that kept a useless war going for another five years and cost twice as many American lives and five times more Vietnamese lives for nothing. I mean absolutely NOTHING!

I can still remember the “southern strategy” that saw white racist Senators switch in a heartbeat from Dixiecrat Democrats to New Age Republicans, insuring that the white majority kept firm power on the political system.

The President is using that white power, just like Wilson before him, and Nixon and Reagan and even Clinton, using a “race card” to get re-elected….and probably will; in a white backlash to the election of a half African President in 2008. We are being punished for crossing the color line by an enraged racist minority that we cannot dislodge from power!

It’s a racist history, not the history you learned in high school….it requires looking at history through a person of color’s eyes, and the crimes against humanity then show through in vivid color!



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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