The Media is the Message….
Blame ABC and CNN and the rest of the breathless media.
That’s right, the media is once again helping Trump to get re elected.
How do you say?
The “liberal media” is hated by Trump who calls them fake news. How could the liberal media be helping Trump?
Who is running ABC? It is a Disney company. How many liberals do you think lead Disney?
Walt Disney was a racist who deliberately churned out cartoons that belittled African AND Native Americans. Think not…watch Hiawatha or Pocahontas cartoons. They are laden with out and out stereotypes. Watch “Songs of the South”.
That is what we were raised on..Snow White right…also Songs of the the South that depicted African Americans as funny talking crows…or Pocahontas who depicted Native American women as sultry sex objects…or Native American men as long nosed, cartoon like fools, who could say “HOW”…see cartoon above..that is what many people see in their mind’s eye when someone says “Injun”!
Think not, go to youtube and type in Pocahontas.
In short, the media, that Trump calls Fake News, are in fact IN ON GETTING HIM RE-ELECTED!
A perfect example is Trump’s recent trip to Wisconsin. A man was brutally shot down in the back while protecting his children who were trapped in his vehicle. The police, if you can call them that, gunned him down, thinking (?) he was going for a gun…They never tried to restrain him outside the car…they knew exactly what they were doing..they were killing a “thug”.
Implicit racism at work!
All of the Dog Whistles are at work. And all of the media is breathlessly hanging on Trump’s every word….
How many Presidents went to riots. or protest sites during the Civil Rights era…zero.
How many Presidents went to controversial sites during an election
Trump is new, he is well, ENTERTAINING.
That is Trump land, entertaining with no policy, no leadership.
And that leadership has cost nearly 200,000 lives and a pandemic that is out of control.
How many hospitals has Trump visited to comfort pandemic victims and their families? ZERO.
Why didn’t he visit with the family of the shot in the back African American?
Because he is USING all of us not leading us.
Look, mass media has progressed into a land of entertainment not news…
And that goes for “The Bachelor” and other reality TV, that Trump came from…no substance just stupidity that is well, funny.
The problem is the medium is now the message (we were warned about this) and the medium is making people’s minds up…and that is WRONG.
People wonder why I write these things out..Because it makes you think.
People wonder why I always cite references and data, because that is what a controversial author is supposed to do.
The mass media precious “ratings” count more than real news or the truth. The advertisers , who dominate every news cycle, are mostly run by conservatives. So what do they do, well they get their news employees to cover Trump’s every move…even when it is obvious that he is running for office, not running the office!
That is all Trump has done for the last four miserable years…RUN FOR OFFICE NOT RUN THE OFFICE. He has no clue what he is doing…he is only good at one thing…run for office and manipulate the media. Policy? What policy?
And the media lets him!
So we have a disaster of neglect of pandemic management, a disaster of neglect of human justice restoration. Trump does not know what restorative justice means.
The country is losing in the world markets…it is not good and getting worse.
America is burning down…BLM and Liberals will not back down this’s going to civil war quickly.
And that is exactly what Trump wants, war…because then he can declare martial law and become the dictator that he aspires to.
This is the dog whistle…brand protestors as thugs, go to cities where damage has been done (which by he way is counter productive to the goals of BLM) but people can only put up with killings of their neighbors so much. Think not? Then go to Del Paso Heights or Meadowview in Sacramento…and then think about living there….cause your ancestors once did!
How would you feel if a cop came into your neighborhood and gunned down a father who was checking on his kids in his car? And then it happened again and again and again.
Trump is so bold that he even announced, “I am the law n order candidate”…using the same playbook of Dick Nixon, George Wallace, George Bush (both of them), and yes even Bill Clinton.
They all used the “bully pulpit” to rip into the very people who are the victims of racism and prejudice. That is cynicism personified..and it is politics…
The people of color trapped on reservations, trapped in urban food deserts; etc. will lose it and strike back. Any of us would…They see their neighborhoods often, not always, as prisons of poverty..destroying their children; and they see the police as occupying martial forces, who kill rather than police.
Who benefits from this mess; street gangs and bad guys who victimize the neighborhood, and racists who are doing everything they can to preserve the injustices of the status quo.
And that is EXACTLY what Trump is trying to preserve…That is his goal…
And it wouldn’t work if the media focused on his achievements and failure rather than his media manipulation.
We are getting worked into another four years that this county cannot survive.
BLM isn’t going to isn’t….It’s the pandemic stupid. People of color, the oppressed if you will, watch in horror as their fellow citizens are shot, die in huge numbers from the pandemic and their children are destroyed and uneducated and nothing changes. So BLM means exactly that.
Ask a white person how many people do they know who have died from the pandemic…a few…ask a Native American and an African American and they can name dozens.
And the white ruling caste loves it, because it gives them license to continue the oppression.