The Madness of Unregulated Fascist Plutocracy

Greg Beale
4 min readNov 19, 2022


“The entrepreneur — who started Theranos as a Stanford University dropout and grew it into a company with a peak valuation of $9 billion — was convicted in January of misleading investors that her technology could run hundreds of tests from just a few drops of blood. In reality, the company was relying on technology from other companies to run the tests.

She was convicted of four counts of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud after a four-month-long trial that featured testimony and tales of billionaire investors, former U.S. officials’ endorsement and patients who had used the company’s technology. Holmes also took the stand over the course of seven days in emotional testimony defending her actions as being in good faith and denying that she was aware of the fraud.”

First of all she dropped out of Stanford. Second of all she morphed into a cheat and a fraud.

This is typical plutocratic behavior. And she was probably worshiped by the digital economic madness.

This is madness!..

It is the same phenomenon that afflicted the world in the early twentieth century. The rush of new inventions, electricity, motor cars, and weapons of total war, were developed in the “Industrial age” and culminated in the Great World Wide Depression and WWI and WWII. 80 million people died for the same behavior types that this wing nut practices.

The degrading of labor leaves poverty and chaos in its path.

Ultimately the weakest in the society take the biggest hits, leaving only the rich to prosper.

I know business schools teach ethics as well as profit methods. She was a drop out, who left school probably before she learned about economic ethics.

Meanwhile a madman is destroying lives by attacking and firing employees in Twitter plus. He is the same madman who moved his industry mostly out of California because of the regulations.

I thought the Great Depression taught all of us the folly of unbridled Wild West economy.

Presently Republican plutocrats promise to eliminate all regulations, do away with taxes anything to advance business. The Greatest Generation is gone, our fathers and mothers no longer can warn us of the folly of devaluing labor….as we stumble into plutocratic fascism!

Remember private enterprise, can morph easily into full fledged fascism that needs warfare and chaos to grow. It always devalues labor, it always kills.

We just got a shocking example during the pandemic, where small and large business owners refused to agree with mask regulations, refused to adjust to the killer pandemic,putting profit ahead of everything. And ironically the refusal to enforce regulations and getting plutocratic judges to overturn common sense, we still are mired in the pandemic.

Free vaccines even, cannot curb the plutocratic urge to devalue labor.


It is interesting that law, education, etc., are regulated by the government. In California we all know about the Ed Code, colleges to get funding must adhere to regulations. BUSINESS FIGHTS REGULATIONS ALL THE TIME.

A classic example is the airlines who failed miserably to enforce mask rules. Finally, in the middle of a killer virus, a Trump (plutocrat plus) judge overturned the commons sense wearing of a mask in an airplane. Thus the virus continues, because the plantation economy refuses to abide by common sense.

Only business always demands that they be as little regulated as possible. And EVERY DAMNED TIME, the above happens. People cheat, they cut corners, and people die…

Musk will not suffer anything but his victims will.

Fascist plutocrats disregard labor, they under pay, they fire immediately in downturns, they demand loyalty and give nothing back.

I call it the plantation economy that devalued labor so bad, that chattel slavery and a human disaster ensued, with the consequences of this still killing people.

The plutocracy is behind Russian aggression in the Ukraine, it drives Trump who is the worst example of how soulless a plutocrat can be. As long a you turn a big profit ANYTHING GOES.

It doesn’t. Ask Mussolini, who literally destroyed his country to fight against socialism. The real threat to humanity was him!

And then there is Musk, who is heartlessly rewarding super workers with lay off notices and homelessness due to the ridiculous high housing costs in Silicon Valley. The digital economy purports to be humane and progressive, it is anything but!

It doesn’t work folks, it never has worked. Cancel your Twitter Account,don’t buy anything these plutocrats sell until regulations are passed (fat chance with Republicans in charge of the House), but a consumer boycott will wake up these villains fast.

In the Great Depression bank plutocrats went out to farms and foreclosed on them, no heart no we are sorry, nothing. And , no fault of their own, millions lost their farms, their homes, and migrated to California (my first wife’s parents) and went through decades of struggle. Only the New Deal, government intervention into the economy ultimately saved us all.

We have forgot that lesson: Labor still counts. Loyalty and honesty still works. Stop fascist plutocracy!



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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