The Inevitable

Greg Beale
2 min readMay 4, 2024

“An off-hand remark — or a terribly misconstrued one — by a federal prosecutor at a private meeting with a defense attorney in Donald Trump’s classified documents case may add yet another delay to the former president’s already severely delayed trial.

U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon has already earned a reputation for making bizarre rulings that favor the man who appointed her to the bench, pushing back a trial that could have started long ago.

Now comes another potential opportunity for Cannon to side against Department of Justice Special Counsel Jack Smith — this time over a wild story about possible prosecutorial misconduct by a key member of his team.”

Vanity Fair

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This game is a sham and is leading us to dictatorship. Trump is guilty, of every charge…every one.

If his name wasn’t Trump, and if a political party wasn’t intent on committing suicide, then the judicial system wouldn’t also be intent on committing suicide.

Think about it, how does a young person, say those who are destroying colleges in protest for….uh….what….are following the judicial system and the Republican Party in this self destruction.

Psychologically this is not to be expected.

WWI was lost by Germany, Italy etc. There was deep trauma that the people of these losers had, and the phenomenon of self induced destruction began.

It too about two decades for Germany and Italy, add Japan, to enter into this social phenomenon. Self destruction.

The world just suffered through a pandemic that killed millions. A by-product of this trauma was the same as after WWI and WWII.

I am no psychologist but I do have a lot of education in political science.

I have studied the fascist phenomenon, and its caste overlays.

Castes are a psychological and sociological phenomenon that makes people do racist and prejudice things.

For example, the Nazi Party sent representatives to the Deep South in the 1930s to study how discrimination and segregation operated. They returned to Germany and recommended concentration camps, branding and discriminating against Jews, Gays; etc.

The entire society in the Deep South has already committed suicide during the Civil War…and the cause of the caste getting much worse, was the loss of the Civil War.

The aghast of a society can lead to brutal and genocidal outcomes.

Right now Trump who thrives on psychological stress on others, has lit a stick of dynamite that will give him the opportunity that Hitler used to take over a political entity.

This had a will has a predictable outcome: the destruction of a society.

We can stop this, by stopping Trump. And not by conventional means.

Otherwise the outcome is predictable, we will be following the political, economic, and sociological outcome: self destruction.



Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.