But casting Republicans’ positions on social issues as mere distractions minimizes what conservatives are doing
“But casting Republicans’ positions on social issues as mere distractions minimizes what conservatives are doing. There is a focused, coordinated agenda on social issues that many Republican officials are just as committed to as cutting taxes. Republican-led states across the country are severely curtailing abortion rights and access. They are banning transgender Americans from getting the health care they want, participating in sports and even using public bathrooms. They are restricting or eliminating Black history, sociology and other courses that challenge conservative doctrines, as well as programs to increase diversity and inclusion on campuses and in the workplace.”
Washington Press
What really is happening is same old Caste System…yes that’s right the same thing that killed the Native Americans, refused to treat African Americans equally, everyday discriminates against women; etc.
This must end one of these days…but we elected Trump…He is a Caste system personality plus.
Trump thinks he is in a caste of his own..a genius he things (with Alzheimer’s no less).
Caste: that social and political system that protects white supremacy…and within that is a strong degree of the more money you have the more power you have.
Problem is a stepping stone to fascism is caste systems…
This was true in Nazi Germany, in Stalin’s Russia; in all authoritarianism.
Social and Political experts “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” delve into the horrors that castes create.
M.L King actually traveled to India to study the caste system there and found the repression of African Americans was essentially the same as the system in India.
I am doing a class next semester on Caste Versus Class, showing how the American social and political systems are rife with CASTE not Class.
Class means a person can move up the social and economic ladder. Caste means you are born to a caste and cannot move up, but can move down.
This was proven once again by the election of Trump…He is a classic CASTE Believer…his behavior is that he is the top of a pyramid with everyone beneath him: witness Hitler.
The problem is this social, economic, and political caste behavior is part of the human ape like behavior. Apes behave in strong caste waves, turning on “outsiders” or those with different hair; etc.
Socialists study animal behavior (we are after all animals) and the castes of wolves in battles with other wolves follows the violent caste behavior.
In short, mammals actually act in more caste ways than caste.
Once you approach social, and political (economic too) behavior, you will at least have a realistic view of your actions to eliminate as many castes as possible.
So you voted, now you must fix the damage…work on castes they can leave to the end of mankind!