The Great Migration
Ah the migrant issue again and again. At the beginning of the 20th Century, Chinese were the targets…The Statue of Liberty became the mean woman pointing back at where “you” came from.
This is wrong….
I know you in Texas, and California, say that the migration from Mexico is illegal, immoral, etc etc.
What the critics say ignores WHY the migration.
It’s global climate change stupid!
Thousands of year ago, migrations of people and animals took place during the glacial times, moving south into Africa for example. Europe migrated to the south, into Spain.
Massive migrations of human beings (and animals) is nothing new.
And, using migration for political effect is not new either.
Trump was elected based on his promise to “Build a Wall”. After four years of inept “leadership” the wall was partly done…billions of dollars were spent to build a wall that doesn’t keep anybody out.
Now it starts all over again, Trump will run on Texas’ type racism, vowing to build a wall (huh) and using it to run for President (it looks like he will rule from a prison).
Why not work with Latin America about migration. Aid the countries who are being harmed from climate change to a reasonable extent.
Then do what we have to do; or human kind is gone — -truly work on saving the planet from climate change.
- Pass laws restricting the number of cars a family can own.
- Pass electric cars and hybrids as the only passenger cars that can be manufactured and sold ANYWHERE!
- 3. Build more public transit systems, finish the bullet train in California, and trains everywhere.
- 4. Disband all oil companies…that’s right turn over oil production to the state.
Build a wall figuratively around oil companies bandits, socialize gasoline and diesel production.
Finally it’s the trains stupid. Cut back on airliners and shift back to trains, running on solar is possible, for all transportation in Amerikkka!
Can it be done..It can…because toward the end of global climate change the migration will not be from Mexico to USA anymore: IT WILL BE FROM USA TO CANADA.
Nobody will exist anywhere near the equator since it will be too hot. .
And the great migration that drove dinosaurs and north to death will be mankind’s final disaster.
No wall will fix that!!!