You Bitch About Politicians, yet Trump and his Fascists Hide, and Lie….we cannot let them win
When are we going to get tired of watching Republicans bowing to “his highness” all the time.
There are reasons.
- Rich People never get tired of being rich: The rich are mostly Republicans. They are few but they have the power of contributions to politicians. In fact, it is bribery, congressmen getting money to get reelected in trade for allowing the rich to get richer.
- MAGA fools are just that fools. Fueled by racism and prejudice, Trump plays his hatred of minorities to MAGA and it works to get the lower middle class to vote against their self interest.
- The rich never vote against their self interest. They don’t care about their fellow Americans one bit.
- We had a similar situation in the world after WWI. The war had spent billions and in the 20s, (the roaring twenties) the rich spent the spoils of war in those countries that had suffered the less from the war. It was too late, when the world economy suffered a huge inflation that is normal after large scale economic disasters (like spending billions on machine guns and the like to kill each other.
- The roaring 20s lasted until 1929, when Wall Street crashed, and around the planet the same phenomenon occurred. The United States had adopted a lassie faire approach to the economy; leave it alone and the invisible hand would cause the American economy to continue as before WWI. This was false, and the economy fell into a Depression.
- In Germany, thanks to the wrong headed Versailles Treaty blamed Germany alone for WWI. In fact, the allies, especially England and France, had as much responsibility for the war as Germany. Colonialism was at its core, as the industrial European nations stole the resources of Africa especially, free of charge; ie., involuntary servitude.
- Fascism thrives on economic disasters. Fascists who ordinarily would be treated by the majority as fools, gained traction politically caused by the Great Depression. Inflation for example, reduced the Germany currency to an inflation disaster.
- Fast forward to today: The Republican Party has moved more and more to the right, caused by “advances” that African Americans had made thanks to LBJ and other Democratic Presidents. After WWII the two major political organizations switched placed: the Democrats who used to be either racist party became the liberal party; the Republican Party who used to be the party of Lincoln (who won the Civil War and ended slavery) suddenly switched to the racism and prejudice party that used to be the Democratic Party.
- This switch was fueled predictably by the ultra-rich, made more rich by the growth of the Computer Revolution, that destroyed the industrial norm of mass production that hired millions of middle class workers. This economic disaster was again fueled by the inflation of the 1970s, erasing the American Dream of post WWII boom economy.
- The “Baby Boom” did not help this have vs have nots American Economy. As the sons and daughters of the Greatest Generation moved into the economy, inflation just got worse and worse. I remember gasoline that used to be 20 cents a gallon (no fooling) shot up to 50 cents a gallon in a couple months….leaving the “Deplorables” holding the bag.
- This economic unfairness (and it was) sparked the fascist tendencies lower white caste (important in that a caste means an end to upward moves economically).
- This reached it high point (?) when Hillary Clinton slipped and called the lower middle white class, “The Deplorables”. That is all Trump needed, and he pounced and came from behind and won the Presidency (actually he did not win, thanks to the elitist Electoral College it was possible for the winner of the Presidency could be a loser (Clinton had far more popular votes than Trump.
- Immediately, a Billionaire did what you would expect, he worked from day one to make the rich richer.
- This aghast in the lower middle class was fed even more when Obama was elected. It sent a justifiable message to the United States that white peoples were “entitled” to Americkkka’s economy. Trump, who was the WORST person imaginable, grabbed onto Obama (who was about a black as I am) but used Obama to scare white supremacists to death.
- Finally, even though Trump failed to be elected in 2016, he claimed that there was an injustice (just like the electoral college was for Clinton) getting as usual the whole thing upside down. In fact Trump won using the electoral college then turned right around and poured money into the rich (he was one) and guess what….THE OLD ENEMY OF DEMOCRACY, INFLATION EXPLODED. This was worsened by the largest pandemic in American History.
- Finally, Trump being a complete incompetent, mishandled this and caused more anger by literally killing through Covid, hoping he could kill his voting enemies….
- We are now faced with the fallacy that inflation is a problem, it isn’t, as the fascist economies desperately lies and cheats and steals to convince the “deplorables” that they are getting cheated again. In fact Trump’s presidency was a disaster for the “deplorables”.
Now, we are faced with an out and out promise from Trump that he will be vengeful if he is elected. Conservative (read fascist) Republicans are lying and playing the “white supremacy” card to try to guess what? STEAL THE ELECTION AS TRUMP DID WHEN HE BEAT MS. CLINTON.
I am not surprised because the majority of American citizens are not aware of any of the above, and are getting worked into elections a Nazi to the Presidency…
It is 1932 all over again!