The Disaster of the Second Amendment
Donald Trump and countless of other conservative gun lobby whores, just today did the usual lying about the most recent mass killing in Gilroy, California.
Once again prayers are being called for, by the gutless cowards who call themselves leaders, the coming together of a nation and all that other bullshit.
The truth is a fascism of guns exists in the United States, with no doubt who it is aimed at: those who are sickened by a violent culture that uses weapons of mass destruction on school children.
The aim? The aim is to embolden the fascism that grows more strongly every year by arming psychopaths to the teeth, while secretly arming vigilantes to the teeth to preserve the aristocracy and the white supremacy that is just about ready to go to open warfare.
Its fascism dummy!
“Courage” Trump says in his banal comments on the shooting?
Oh, please. Courage would require having the “resolve” to stand up to the gun lobby. To recognize that, when claiming gun rights, there’s a legitimate difference between a hunting rifle and an assault weapon; courage would be “to support reinstatement of the assault weapons ban that Congress allowed to expire, and universal background checks that passed in the Democratic-controlled House, but stalled in Republican-led Senate.”
The Congress of the United States has been successfully paralyzed by fascism and cannot even spell the word courage!
How much longer do we tolerate this?
Read the Second Amendment…it talks about “A well regulated militia” ( that is NOT personal ownership of guns)…being necessary for the security of a Free State (?)…the right to bear arms will not be infringed”.
Now former Supreme Courts have wrestled with another Constitutional blunder, which in most Constitutional learned communities means…..we need a National Guard (militia), that is well regulated (meaning not prone to secede from the union we just invented), the security of a Free State (this means Free to own slaves, and free to exterminate Indians) the right to have National Guards (militias) and even vigilantes, but still have to operate within the parameters of the law (regulated), but can go into mob violence if it wants to!
Yes the Second Amendment was passed to ensure no slave rebellions could succeed, yes… it was passed so that “free states” could raise militia Armies to kill Native Americans, but the afterthought was “well regulated”.
And actually they very successful.
For example, not very well regulated Militias (well armed mobs) were allowed in the first law passed in California, raising money from the Congress and mining corporations, to exterminate the Native Americans in California in about 20 years!
No where, I MEAN NOWHERE IN THE 2ND AMENDMENT, can anyone find personal citizen ownership of “arms” to protect their small farms…no where is this mentioned for one huge reason: THE AGRARIAN COMMON PEOPLE OF THE COLONIES COULD NOT AFFORD TO BUY FIREARMS!
A myth that was created by Hollywood was that patriots took up arms to fight the British. The fact is they had to get guns from smugglers who got them past the blockade the British started that almost ended the Revolution before it started.
The revolution was almost lost by the way, because the Revolutionary Army was outgunned by the professional British Army.
The “citizen soldier” that is part of the myth of the American Revolution did not exist. The French, as usual looking for advantage over the British Empire, enabled with money, the American Army to grow and finally to at least harass the British, who had to maintain a thousands of mile support line to provide the food and support for their colonial army. This, while France, a traditional foe, grew in strength to avenge their losing (sort of) of the French and Indian War.
The French won our Revolution, just saying!
The French provided the U.S. Army, a rag tag mess of “militias” to finally outlast the British, who quit because of the impending fear of Napolean.
That is the truth…that is history…the American Revolution won IN SPITE of its poor leadership, in spite of its poor arms, in spite of its lack of discipline, in spite of its loss of one battle after another, because the British had more important military matters to deal with….the French!
Courage during the Revolution? The Revolution that the majority of American Colonists rejected? Courage that saw Valley Forge, a colossal blunder of Washington! Another myth!
Later the killer myth; in the West the six shooter supposedly “won the west” ; not so, the U.S. Cavalry did the shooting and the killing….ordinary farmers still could not afford modern arms, especially repeating rifles, cannon, machine guns, the modern weapons that won the Civil War that in a few years, killed all the buffalo and destroyed all Native American resistance.
Sherman and Sheridan, mass killing experts, won the west!
The Civil War was a modern war, using for the first time in human history weapons of mass destruction to inflict large numbers of deaths on the opponent. This was turned on the Native Americans from 1865 to 1891 in a genocide that spread from Texas to California, destroying the Sioux; etc etc etc.
Ordinary private citizens with guns did NOT do this…the “well regulated” militia did!. If anyone tells you different they are lying to you!
Gun fights, like we all watched every Saturday on the “Movies”, never happened, what did happen was a criminal sneaking up on an enemy, usually over a card game, and shooting them in the back!
Wyatt Earp, of the famous OK Corral gunfight, was a cold stone killer, not the principled lawman that mythology depicts. Doc Holliday, really? He was a TB infested killer. I mean we even mythologize Billy the Kid who was a serial killer!
The West was not won with freedom to own guns…it just wasn’t.
The U.S. Army won the west, with a bunch of misfits, and yes the Buffalo Soldiers (probably the most professional soldiers of the bunch).
And still we live these myths, which only make Smith And Wesson richer, selling weapons of mass destruction to 19 year old mentally disturbed people, who every once in a while kill a whole bunch of innocent people and children!
Our cities are unsafe. We shoot one another in accidents more than we intend to murder. This and the shameful mythological shadow of what really was a genocide in the “winning of the west”.
Gun violence is an epidemic in the United States led by a tragic misreading and purposeful lying about what the Second Amendment (the shortest Amendment by the way) says very clearly, that “a well regulated militia” has the right to use arms for the safety of states from slave revolts and Indian attacks, throwing in well regulated as sop to northern states who just knew the south would soon try to secede no matter how much the sold out the farm in the Constitutional Convention of 1789!
And for holding these view, I will be told to go back to where I came from. I will be told I hate my country.
I am part Cherokee and damned proud of it. I tell the historical truth that criminals don’t want to hear!