Greg Beale
4 min readJun 2, 2020

Simply put we are now in a war with fascism. Trump has declared war on everyone but his wack nut. base.

So here we go. What can you do?

Anyone who is a Trump supporter is a potential fascist. They have gone over the edge.

So again, unfriend them…don’t talk to them, don’t do anything with them…and tell them why.

I have an. ex-friend. and neighbor who went fascist on the pandemic reality. He was a minimalist, who propagandized, as commanded by Fox News, to minimize the impact of the pandemic. He downplays Trump’s incompetence, declares that people are “going to die anyway”, etc. Then the statistics, that compare the pandemic to say heart disease, leaving out that 100,000 people died in one month…they compare a year to two months! That is a lie!

I told him to go to hell..he did, at least to me, back off on his lies, but he still lies.

Look, fascism crates an alternative reality. A good example is the recent riots, Trump blows the dog whistle that it is allegedly led by “terrorists” who. are against fascism (shouldn’t we all be against fascism, we fought and won a war to eradicated).

So he admits right there, that he is in fact advocating for fascism. And his followers follow his words blindly.

That is because fascism causes the mind to turn off. The propaganda is accepted without question. Your friend turns into a Nazi in front of your eyes. Think not, read about the Nuremberg trials, read about the holocaust. Read Hanna Arendt: Eichmann the Banality of Evil!

But of course, fascist say that is “fake news”…it isn’t!

Law n Order is a convenient technique…scaring people, using protest violence to turn the entirety of the mind against all protestors. It was used by Dick Nixon until he broke into the Watergate…then after critical years long period that killed more in Vietnam, his lying and criminal activity was uncovered.

His propagandized followers, the “silent majority” were so mesmerized that they still claim that Nixon did nothing wrong…He did and resigned just prior to being convicted of impeachment offenses.

Trump came right out and used the fascist law n order trick to again continue the con, the lies, the deceit, that is the backbone of the fascist behavior. Antifa is simply anti-fascist, it is not a terrorist organization. Fox says it is, because Fox is a fascist news organization, like dictatorships, that propagandizes all the time. They claim to be an alternative political viewpoint, it is alternative all right, Fascist alternative.

He just used the National Guard and says he will use the regular Army to attack with dogs, Black Lives Matter protestors, who made the mistake of not staying non-violence.

The actions of a few do not define Black Lives Matter. But the blindness of the many, does define fascist Americans.

The Pandemic is killing people of color, discriminated medically groups, the elderly, at a much higher rate than younger and whiter demographics.

The African American community is already in deep mourning, and the killing of an unarmed man, by police murder, tripped off their anxiety, their rage.

Contrary to eugenics, and racism, ALL people can feel, ALL people can become enraged by injustice, by being put down.

It is interesting that right wing fascist scream in anger, declaring that they will attack Black Lives Matter, (they ruined an NFL star’s career because he simply knelt during the National Anthem). I mean that is all he did and was blackballed out of the NFL!

In short, All Lives Matter, with notable. exceptions, is the. fascist creed….and of course, those exceptions have ALWAYS BEEN people whose skin color is a hue or so different than brownish pink.

White people by the way are not white, and black people are not black, there is a broad range of different pigmentation in the skin…but the genetic makeup is 98% the same.

We are the same!

But thanks to the most brutal slavery in history, and the stealing of a continent by Europeans from indigenous people, with no compensation, color of skin really matters. That is because the color of a person’s skin supported a lucrative slave system that made a few people very rich…..and a land grab that made the homes for former serfs from Europe….in short, America was developed from crimes!

Even the movement has it wrong: Black Lives Matter. With that phrase the movement admits “Blacks” are different from “whites”…they accept the racist terms that are scientifically invalid.

Human beings are basically the same, the differences are cultural, not racial. The differences are anthropological…..

The rage is real,, because America has for centuries lived a lie, the lie of racism.

And when you live a lie, the Segway to fascism is a slippery slope.

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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