Greg Beale
4 min readJun 8, 2020


Same old thing, Republicans. block public policy money..

And the reason…the public pensions system.

For years they have tried to destroy public pensions. Why?

Because they were able to get rid of private pensions. The basic motive is the plutocratic fascism they have morphed into, that demands a constant degradation of the value of human labor.

We learned a bitter lesson in 1929…that capital should be spread more in the economy else a consumers’ driven economy would die for lack of demand, or too much supply or other imbalances in how the economy distributed value.

And right now it is way too much toward the rich.

Typically, this “philosophy of economics” is on trickle down…maximizing profits for corporations, but leaving out 35 to 40 percent of the population of this value.

Labor is to be exploited not supported. And the reason for this is simple, robotics have taken over manufacturing.

It is really that simple. Millions of workers in the past thirty years have lost their jobs and any chance for another one in manufacturing around the world. Some countries have passed laws that helped labor, with re-education, public health; etc., to help the distribution of wealth that trends to the top once robots take jobs. The United States, dominated by a plutocracy has most decidedly not helped with this economic transition.

Productivity as they cynically say, is up…which means they can make more with less labor.

And that means 35% are out of luck, doomed to a lifetime of low skill, retail jobs; hairdressing, nail clipping, stocking shelves, day care; etc etc.

Add to this a plutocrat as President, enforcing a fascist anti-labor politics and you have the perfect storm that the pandemic set off.

We were on the verge of a depression before the pandemic hit. The homeless has hit 25%…the poverty level is going up and the rich are just getting richer.

A recent situation with Tesla is a good example. The plutocratic fascist (he doesn’t just own but runs Tesla and Solar City for that matter) has made billions for himself by a couple really good ideas.

But this created wealth has not been shared…it went into making the assembly line into robotics. That cuts the cost of labor to just the development and implementation of robotics and its implementation, that is a one time cost. It pays for itself everytime another solar panel goes on a roof, everytime a Tesla is sold.

A Tesla is manufactured without anyone touching it, solar panels are manufactured for nothing and both are sold as if human hands made them.

And then, because the county demanded a safer work environment for the relatively small number of human beings on Tesla’s assembly line, the owner threatened to move to Texas and take his plant with him.

This is after the state of California gave this fledgling industry, electric cars and solar panels all sorts of manufacturing tax breaks and other incentives to help develop a global warming game changer.

Liberal states like California actually gave tax break incentives to help develop a new industry, solar power and electric cars; and took a chance on two really good ideas.

The response to California from the plutocrat; take the industry to Texas who has a non existent state government, cut to the bone by plutocratic fascism.

Plutocracy doesn’t believe in global climate change, and certainly not a pandemic, because it cuts into the plutocrat’s bottom line. Even Musk, who is foreward leaning at least, is a plutocrat and holds labor in disdain. The core of his trouble with California is that the county decided to enforce pandemic safety rules in his car manufacturing plant.

Might makes right is his watchword, just like the founder of the medium I am typing on right now…plutocrats who have disdain for “ordinary people” who are so plutocratic that they morph into out and out fascists.

Selfishness is the economic term for this behavior. And workers lives are expendable.

Of course the middle class buys it. They long ago stopped reading (they aren’t reading this right now) to believe in a myth of human progress that ceased being valid in 1976. That is when Californias stupidly passed Prop 13 that gutted education and other state and local services.

One spin off of this shortsightedness is a population more prone to life ending pandemics.

An entire generation who are now aging, grew up with the destruction of the New Deal, that was based on supporting the laboring class more because manufacturing uses technology to eliminate organized labor. And the New Deal died at the hands of Ronald Reagan many years ago. It died and nobody noticed.

Tax cutting became , along with rampant racism, the guidelines of the Republican Party…and this based on fascist beliefs: 1. Economic greed is good and distributes wealth fairly somehow (it doesn’t)…2. People of color are inferior to the ruling white class.

And so the pandemic is used to cut government support for the post industrial economy economic victims: You and me, we are just pawns for the master economic race to manipulate with an endless consume natural resources mantra…

It is truly a human disaster.

Washington will help, but the trade off is destroying California’s public employee retirement systems.

So once again, the wealth can continue to accumulate in the hands of the few.



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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