Russia is not in Olympics Again
Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier said, “Thanks to some of the leaders of the modern International Olympic Committee, we learned that an invitation to the Games is not an unconditional right of the best athletes, but a kind of privilege.” He said it showed the Games can be used for “political pressure against people who have nothing to do with politics. And as gross, and in fact racist, ethnic discrimination.”
Trump will no doubt be doing the same thing if he wins.
Of course, the Russian athletes are victimized by the dictator Putin. If anyone does’t believe that the traitor Trump isn’t taking advices from Putin then he/she lives in Republican la la land!
His excuse of “not an unconditional right of the best athletes but a kind of privilege”….huh?
Then he says “political pressure against people who have nothing to do with politics. And as gross, and in fact racist, ethnic discrimination.”
So if Trump wins in four years we will be faced with this same dictator rule…using the Olympic Games for political gain.
What they do not know, Putin and Trump (they are brothers in hate and fascism), is that the more they repress the more they will suffer when people wake up and kill them.
Hitler killed most of his followers by not stopping WWII when it was so obvious that the war was over….he killed millions of his followers because he was a dictator…he took many children with him…
Then in an act of cowardice he killed himself, but first he shot his wife!
Nice guy.
Trump is cut from the same mold….he is so obsessed with himself that he will no doubt kill his wife before he kills himself….and meanwhile he already has massacred his Republican Party (‘everything he touches dies’).
And we stand back, especially Republicans, who literally sell their souls.
God will not be amused…..if there is ever a place in hell, it’s for Trump/Hitler and their followers. Are you listening Bible are sinning every-time you help Trump!
Finally, Bible Thumpers, evangelicals, continue to break every commandment thinking they are doing good. They all are sinners to the core and God is keeping track….
Hitler thought it was good to kill 6.5 million Jews, about 1 million were children!
His soul is in hell for sure, as is Trumps.
Vote…end this nightmare…or YOU ARE NEXT!!!!!