Greg Beale
5 min readJul 18, 2019



Obviously those who sneak over the border are illegal. But what Trump is going after are those who are seeking asylum. This makes up a large percentage of who is trying to get in.

And in many cases, the reasons are just.

And, Trump is milking this “crisis” for all that it is worth, after all he ran on it in 2016 and won (sort of). That sacred thing called the Electoral College (should be the non-elected con), non-withstanding!

Most Americans don’t read the fine print…they see immigration policy and law as black and a wall right?

The fact is our immigration law is a mess, combining at least 100 years of on and off again “crack downs” on legal immigration, word asylum standards; etc.

And why is this so…why the muddled upside down inconsistent messy immigration laws and policy.

Look at the map above! Immigration inconsistency lies in the way the United States was “built”.

First, those who owned the land were subjugated and exterminated; second, the main immigration group in ‘California Territory (see the map) arrived three hundred years BEFORE “Manifest Destiny”; third, the Texas “territory” was actually its own country for a few year (listed on map as Texas Republic).

So with a disorganized past how on earth can there be an organized immigration system? I mean literally everyone is an immigrant first of all, even Native Americans, and second, there is a long standing and strong Hispanic culture that used to own the territory!

1840, the Mexican American War, that was started to bring in more potential slave states, or free states depending on whose side you were on, was a time of upheaval. Lincoln himself was adamantly opposed to “Polk’s Folly” as they called it.

Nevertheless, the “California Territory (see the map) and the Texas Republic were annexed into the “jurisdiction” of the United States.

But the rancheros the mission system; etc etc., of the Spanish and later Mexican hegemony over a huge chunk of land, did not go away.

There are still legal lands in California that are owned by land grants that were established in 1800 to Latinos! There is San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego, etc etc etc that daily remind the inhabitants of from where the land once came.

Tragically Native American names for cities are lacking due to the brutal genocide that was practiced on them for three hundred years!

Obama did deport record numbers of “illegals”, but many of these were refugees seeking asylum that a more streamlined judicial system processed and deported.

In short, it is not easy to get into the United States as a refugee from global climate change…you need to be in danger for your life and that is hard to prove. Obama deported more because he had an efficient administration. Even the hardest core con know that Trump’s administration is anything but efficient. For example, how many Home Land Security (where most immigration law lives) have we had in the past two years?

Even for the most obsessed conservative, it is common knowledge that under all the bombastic bullshit Trump spews, is the truth that all of his administration is demonstrably less efficient than Obama’s. Obama had government experience. Trump has none. In fact, the conservative fascist movement, typically pushes to kneecap fair and legal government, always pushing for the inevitable totalitarian dictatorship. And ALWAYS, I mean always, at its core, plutocratic fascist administration is corrupt and haphazard….because it always is based in its core, in making a few elite rich.

So, the immigrant “crisis” is actually a manufactured one, to drive up fear in Trump’s base and get him re-reflected.

I mean we hear that Dems are “open borders” while then turning around and claiming that Obama “deported thousands” so he is as bad as our guy? How on earth can anyone be that conflicted in their thinking?

Easy…its fascist!

And rather than see this for what it is, yet another con from a con man, we get all hung up in immigration law, Democrats are stereotyped as wanting “open borders” and the base eats it up.

Fact: We do not have open borders…..try to travel to Mexico via common roadways if you disagree…there is always a checkpoint, and walls if you will in populated areas. Even with Canada, that almost has an “open” border there is a process you have to follow to cross.

So we don’t have open borders, like the European Union. We just don’t.

And Democrats don’t believe in open borders. Again, how on earth can Cons believe that bullshit when in the same breath you get, “Dems believe in open borders…….After all OBAMA deported record numbers of “illegals”.

That is exactly the disingenuous contradictory bullshit the Republican Party has adopted to turn illegal immigration into an “issue”.

It isn’t an “issue”….but that is what they are trying to make it.

Pete Wilson tried the same gambit in California in the 90s in his quest for the Presidency. Immigration was a big topic then, owing to a killer drought (global warming) in Northern Mexico that caused thousands to try to flee to the migrant labor work in southwestern America. And California, still a conservative state, seemed like a fertile area for hate.

But Wilson over played his hand, forgot about the large, culturally entrenched citizen Spanish speaking population ranging from San Diego to Mt. Shasta and threw away the Republican political majority that had ruled California for over 100 years.

In fact that is what swung California to the Democratic Party!

The power of Dems grows exponentially the further south you go in California.

Now this is happening in a basically conservative “minority” (in many Southern California towns Spanish is the prevailing language)

Being bi-lingual, another Wilson political divisive con issue, is essential in schools, businesses and government). The same goes for Texas, Arizona and New Mexico by the way.

And even Colorado, that always amuses me in its xenophobia that forgets that the California of old, actually included parts of Colorado before the Mexican-American War.

Fact is much of the territory of the United States used to be in …..gasp….MEXICO!

So the immigrant crisis along the border, which is Texas to present day California is the old “California prior to 1840”, is conservative bullshit…There is no crisis, there never has been. People are moving back and forth in any area like say, what used to be East and West Germany, now unified, but still carrying historical issues (that most of the under educated do not have a clue about)


Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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