Rational Banality of Evil

Greg Beale
8 min readNov 11, 2022


“That should lessen concern that Putin will launch World War III if he doesn’t get his way in Ukraine. Putin certainly miscalculates (as he did in invading Ukraine), and he is definitely reluctant to concede defeat. But he is not unstable, stupid or suicidal. Thus the retreat from Kherson offers encouraging news not only about the state of the war in Ukraine but also about the state of Putin’s mind.”

Sac Bee

I have a problem with this way of thinking. The author postulates that Putin is rational and even reasonable; and that Hitler wasn’t.

Not true. Hitler was totally rational. He was operating under the science of the day, Eugenics.

This “science” postulated that certain species in biology were superior than others, in the same species.

They used their knowledge of cattle and horses, to rank species by speed, ability to train, etc etc. It was “reasonable” that Eugenics science for horses would hold true for people..

The Eugenics Movement was greatly accepted in the world in 1932 when Hitler took power.

His “get even”rationality was rewarded by the Weimar Republic that appointed him Chancellor (President) regardless of a tiny minority of Nazis in the Parliament.

Fascists are not necessarily crazy, they are authoritarian, they are biased to male leadership only, they believe that hierarchical races of people exist and their enemies are less human than themselves.

The history of slavery and conquest in battle is consistent that subjugation of an “inferior race, tribe, or culture into a hierarchy is Eugenic’s natural way.”

This is carried to such an extent that the goal is to subjugate labor massively and drive up profits and riches for plutocrats. In short, follow the money!

It is no accident that Donald Trump is a Billionaire; he represents the apex of White Supremacy….that seeks a final solution of returned labor to a slave status.

The “Final Solution, was just such a logical outcome in Germany. Even with truth and knowledge, authoritarians still operate with the conceit that they know better than other races, or even within their own race. This conceit is rational and profitable for a few; except when things don’t go well.

That is human behavior. That is the banality of evil. This is hierarchy of people by race (that scientifically does use Eugenics ideals to justify)….

Putin is right that the West, the United States, are hypocrites because we used the atomic bombs to literally scare the Japanese into surrendering. This a a rational decision, with a state claim of scaring the Japanese fascists, who also were rational, into surrendering. There are also evidence of racism, that the Japanese were somehow inferior and therefore using atomic bombs was not inhumane.

Look, it’s called the banality of evil. Evil is a human trait (read the Bible), and it manifests itself in horrible but rational efforts to always gain power and to triumph over alleged evils being done to them. The Versailles Treaty was criticized and hated by Germany not because the Allies were being irrational, but just the opposite; rationally seeking that to weaken Germany forever in the world economy was rational and staved off the World wide depression for a decade at the exception of Germany…there was not a Roaring Twenties in Germany for sure! 1929 ruined for a time, the growing caste system in America.

Remember, 1932 when Hitler and FDR rose to power, the Great Depression had been in existence since 1919 in Germany and Europe. “To the victor goes the spoils” was and is a profit for warfare in human behavior and works even more in its evil when Eugenics wrongly “proved” master races. Another detail: human behavior was still in the feudal tribal way when WWI broke out. The war technology had been tested, in the American Civil War only. The huge damage done to the population of Europe had no precedent. This opened the door to fascism in Italy first, then copied by Hitler.

Political Scientists and Economists had never faced the kind of post world war damage that ruined millions of peoples’ economic status. The only country that had been through this total war aimed at the population of a foe, was the USA. And Reconstruction disintegrated in the face of white supremacy backlash!

The rest of the world still were stuck in the traditional warfare mode, that war was like a chess game, feints and bluffs, not massive killing and destruction; it was the gentlemen’s warfare.

WWI proved that was wrong, modern weapons made massive killing a rational mode of war. And the more both sides killed, the more they justified it as a master race or culture winning over an evil, inferior one.

Again, racism is NOT a biological thing…it is a cultural one…and is therefore capable of being stopped.

Propaganda was used toward the end of WWI, and WWII of dehumanizing the enemy, depicting the opponent as an animal, a beast, rapist; etc etc. And for sure the enemy was “sub human”..why else drop a nuclear bomb on them?

The Nazis in Germany reacted to this rationally, reasoning that the Allies were being unfair in demanding reparations from Germany. This in fact was unfair in many ways and rationally let HItler into power.

In the paradigm of the time, Germany was treated horribly resulting ultimately into a fanciful pay back against Jews; up to the final solution; Eugenics justified all of it. Again not crazy!

Remember people operate in the paradigm that is existence in the time. People in the early twentieth century did not have the foresight(some did, like the Jews for example) to see the future repercussions of their world’s actions.

It is the same thing when we discuss these matters of subjugation through racism with our African American brothers and sisters. The paradigm often distorts our view, witness Eugenics.

For example, the Till” Movie is a must see, it captures the stark racism for economic and political advantage for the “superior race” and its immorality of killing a 14 year old boy just because he whistled at a white woman. Till was not the first lynching in the South (and the north for that matter) of a caste person who was declared inferior.

This inferiority of “races” is an open license to kill in certain circumstances. Read “The Ox Box Incident”….the movie , is excellent and on You Tube.

The Jews knew of the potential danger, because Eugenics had already “scientifically” declared the Jews to be an inferior race. African Americans also knew that a loss of WWI and or WWII, would ultimately doom them.

Hitler needed an excuse to launch a coup, he did and it failed. But then through his writings written while in jail, there was a rational reaction of revenge caused Germany’s suffering was real not imagined. In short the Allies bad judgement of punishing the loser led to WWII.

The Marshall Plan was the correct approach to post war economy and has so far, kept worldwide wars at bay….at least for now.

The reluctance in the early 1930s, for Allies to use their more superior power to nip Hitler in the Bud, was a disaster for the world. 55 million people died for this mistake that opened the door for the banality of evil….

There were plenty of rational actions the Allies could have taken, they wrongly selected the one that was mutually destructive (tolerance of Germany’s moving to the right) that came from not knowing world economics and following the folly of Eugenics. For example, the Holocaust was kept from the American People until the end of the war…Jewish Refugees were kept out of America in spite of relatives who begged the government to let them in.

In a sense that is what the USA is fighting over right now. The African Americans for example are growing in political power, and the white supremacy that was the lynch pin of chattel slavery and the subjugation economically of people of color, is losing….that is what MAGA is all about.

It is all about white supremacy even in liberal circles and the perpetuation of the African American caste.

For example, if you look at white Congressmen/women children and grandchildren you will find access to Harvards and Stanfords is much higher than other Congressmen and women. White supremacy is a mainstay even today in the USA; and racism buttresses it. And there are way more men than women elected even in today’s modern America!

“Truths in eugenics” was most popular worldwide and in the good ole USA, mostly coming from the wrong headed science seeking to justify the subjugation of labor, and to justify the chattel slavery that had nearly ruined the United States through a Civil War.

Yes this essay is Critical Race Theory for sure….

Racism is now used to justify the castes that exist in the United States; just look at the homeless camps; look at minorities working five jobs just to pay the rent, look at the white suburbs that still exist throughout the U.S.A.and most certainly in the Sacramento area!

You can call it what you will, but it is ALWAYS treating labor poorly, maximize profits, criminalize minority castes’ actions, and generally work to keep the highly profitable white upper caste system working.

The homeless camps prove it. The arrest statistics prove it,

Colleges through affirmative action is beginning to lessen the power of white privilege, but a Reactionary SCOTUS is about to overthrow that.

In a real sense, Trump is like a Hitler, reactionary and right wing, with white supremacy as his main goal to renew…

This cost the world 55 million dead. God knows how many more will die as the modern world grabbles with racism, prejudice and fascism!

Again, Hitler and the Nazis were tuned into Eugenics, the ideas that a hierarchy of races was a rational and scientifically proven science was deadly!

The USA mistakenly thought the Civil War could have ended the subjugation of races and of labor for that matter. It didn’t…even today….Reconstruction was a loser; white supremacy won.

The assassinatin of Lincoln by a white supremacist ended the Reconstrution ideals of the abolitionists even before it started!

Barack Obama was a win…followed by he most fascist/ racist in Presidential history…still a threat to us all….

The Great Depression proved through extreme suffering that the Industrial Revolution caused, that Government was needed to regulate commerce not the other way around. The Cold War was waged, thank God without war so far, over how much government regulation was right…ranging from Communist Socialism to Democratic New Deal regulations.

Plutocratic Republicans still are working to destroy the New Deal (Social Security comes into mind). The motive for this? The plutocrats know Social Security and Health Care is essential to workers who are now retired. They know the system works.

They just want to run it, making a profit, and drive up the cost of health care and down the retirement income. In short Eugenics again being called into supporting economic castes.

The battle for the government of the USA just a few days ago, is again ….one, get over devaluing labor versus , two, the idea that the fruits of being the strongest economy on earth will “Trickle Down” to everyone. The latter of this will not work.

The homeless are reminiscent of the Great Depression. It is also proof positive that the conservative economics position does not work for the greater good. It does not raise all boats to have a Billionaire take over Twitter for example; the first thing he did was lay off thousands of people. And in the Bay Area a lay off means homelessness for even the educated middle class.

The latest election was over this as well. With a country now almost evenly split over who gets what!

Democracy was and will be in great danger until the Republican Party pulls away from plutocrats (and that won’t happen soon)…

The banality of evil exists in all of us. It is often encouraged by greed and avarice…rather than the greater good for the greater number, it is “make all the money you can and it will trickle down”….

We all are responsible to know when efforts are made to cunningly rank people by race; that inevitably results in great evil, huge profits to a plutocratic caste, and murder and holocausts!

It really is up to us, the baby boomers to act like the Greatest Generation taught us!



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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