Really, one Justice Voted to allow crazed people to get all the guns they want. One SCOTUS voted so screwed up they would allow a crazed person a m-16

Greg Beale
2 min readJun 21, 2024


“The 8–1 decision upholds federal and state laws that take away guns from persons who are subject to domestic violence restraining orders. Only Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

“Since the founding, our nation’s firearm laws have included provisions preventing individuals who threaten physical harm to others from misusing firearms,” said Chief Justice John G. Roberts, writing for the majority.”

So the SCOTUS last week voted to allow Bump Guns for 12 year olds, and now one lunatic justice, votes to allow crazy people to have guns.

And they all go back to an antiquated Bill of Rights, that in the very beginning was written for “militia” not for individuals.

In the early years of the U.S existence, farmers needed protection from Native Americans, Frenchmen and yes British….the Revolutionary War was barely over when the Constitution was adopted.

The founding fathers NEVER intended individual possession of firearms, the words “well regulated Militias” is prominent in the Bill of Rights…nowhere does it say individual possession of firearms, because in those days most people could not buy a rifle.

Hollywood stepped in when movies were made, and led by lunatic conservatives (John Wayne for one) created a FICTION that guns won the west.

Actually small pox and other diseases that filthy white people brought to a pristine continent…It was the same MAGA racist fascists, yes they were in the United States from the outset, led the genocide to steal lands away from Native Peoples.

Right now the killing rate in the United States is led by MAGA’s who believe, they claim, of a war on violence…then turn right around and basically lie as to what the right to bear arms (a militia remember) means.

As usual our conservative wing nuts have it all backwards. A well regulated militia is the National Guard, in which I served in the 1970s, and not on KKK militias who killed “Niggers” and White “agitators” to keep people of color forever in a low caste.

The SCOTUS should be ashamed of themselves…Trump made sure to leave a majority of lunatics on the court….and they continue voting against human beings of all colors.

I am ashamed of these fanatics….



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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