Greg Beale
8 min readSep 26, 2020

Once again the Constitution does its odious evil.

It’s banality of evil.

Look, the Constitution is NOT perfect. That it is somehow perfect is a myth. The Constitutions is a 19th century invention of the sanctity of a government organization document that is so full of slavery protection it is sickening.

How on earth can “all men are created equal” or Government is instituted among men..or. We the People be bedmates with a document that allowed slave catchers to go into free states and recover their property, or allows a non majority vote candidate to repeatedly be elected President, or allows a SCOTUS to run roughshod over human rights for a century or allows small rural states to control a multi million population with a Senate that is hopelessly undemocratic?

How, because it was invented to do exactly what it is doing!

The SCOTUS and the U.S. Senate are two of the threesome of anti-democratic and pro slavery “compromises” that has doomed this county to at least one civil war, with another one in the offing as I write this.

First…How democratic is it when a Senate has only two representatives apiece, and all States, no matter how sparsely populated, have the same representation of a third of the government over states with millions more citizens? How does that work?

How is California equal with Wyoming?

It works all right, to stop any legislation that threatens white supremacy. And this compromise caused the Civil War!

Second, the Presidency itself and how it is elected: The Electoral College is unique in the world. Nobody else even comes close to such a invitation to tyranny.

And it worked its evil providing Presidents from the future confederacy for almost 70 years after 1790.

Virginia is the “birthplace” of Presidents for good reason. The reason was the electoral college allowed state legislatures to decide the electors, not the popular vote…there is still a threat of this most undemocratic “adjustment” that was absolutely intended to elect slave protecting Presidents.

Slave states were directly granted a huge advantage over more populated northern states by the electoral college.

Same thing today.. Trump lost by 3 MILLION VOTES!

It is not an accident that the President that was cheated into office in 2016 followed America’s first President of color. It was predicted. And Trump, who may go into history as our last elected President (he intends to take care of a “rigged election) IF HE LOSES!

The electoral college creates “battle ground” states, that again are mostly in the south…we sit with bated breath, seeing how Florida will vote. FLORIDA HAS ELECTED THE LAST TWO ELECTORAL COLLEGE BASTARD PRESIDENTS.

California and New York where huge populations of real people live, are ignored. It’s the “battle ground” states; THAT IS ALL WE HEAR ABOUT.

Meanwhile California is burning, New York annihilated by the pandemic because of poverty in people of color, and we are about to allow the SCOTUS to end a government sponsored heath care law for the poor, that will doom millions to not just no health care, but to death from a pandemic.

Where else on the planet could a government be going so wrong.

Because is was planned that way.

So Florida, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Texas., Virginia, etc etc are the ones who decide who will be President.

Rutherford B. Hayes, after the election which was a tie in 1876, made a deal with the south, that if they gave him a dozen more electors or so, and elected him President, he would withdraw the union soldiers who were protecting ex-slaves from enraged confederates who blamed not their own affection for slavery for their defeat, but the VICTIMS of slavery…in short, like most racists, blame the victims.

And Hayes was elected even though he did NOT get the popular vote. And Reconstruction ended before it even began.

The Civil War was fought to end slavery, but the peace that Andrew Johnson brokered, was a disaster of justice for millions of people.

The south rose again alright, in about a decade!

We are still afflicted by the Constitutional Disaster that is the Electoral College.

Finally the Supreme Court. It is now made up of 7 MEN AND ONE WOMAN that once again is in a battle of societal controL. We cannot rest easy, because as part of our “checks and balances” the SCOTUS is allegedly our safeguard of the tyranny of the minority. It isn’t.

SCOTUS has given us the Dred Scott Decision (caused the Civil War), Plessy v Ferguson: gave us Jim Crowe segregation and generations of poverty for people of color, gave us generations of destruction for Native Americans who were betrayed over and over again by the white supremacy that so drives the SCOTUS. And when Chief Justice Marshall did rule for the Cherokee nation and tribal rights, Andrew Jackson said, “Let the Chief Justice enforce his ruling” and nothing happened, nothing to change the removal of Cherokee from their land.

Andrew Jackson’s portrait sits ominously in the White House Oval Office right now as a “hero”…

Andrew Jackson was a murderer!

Right now we witness just how important an unfair Court is to the minority, the conservative minority in the United States who are holding on to white supremacy it hurts to watch.

Their reasoning is the same as in 1790: read Notes on Virginia by Jefferson, he declares for everyone to see that Blacks are inferior and not even human…this from who wrote “All Men are Created Equal”.

It is a con everybody…we were not taught the real Constitutional History in the Eighth Grade, remember the Constitution requirement that was to keep us in awe of a “perfect governmental document”.

My MA in Government is partly in Constitutional Law…with Vietnam ruining the country, I learned the truth that you are reading here. I learned that illegal and immoral wars were part of America’s legacy; witness the Mexican War, or all the Indian Wars! Vietnam was just an Extention of the attacks on indigenous people. Officers used to describe the body count approach to Vietnam as Our Modern Indian War.

And in the last 50 years, every prophecy that Constitutional Law Professors pointed out, that our Constitution is far from perfect; HAVE COME TRUE.

We were asked by one professor in graduate school, at Sac State by the way, what was the greatest threat to democracy to the United States…nobody got it right…it was…THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!

Checks and balances versus the “theory” of an Imperial Presidency, resulting in countless undeclared wars; checks and balances that is a guarantee against tyranny of the minority, so we endure a government so riddled with special interests and out and out political contributions that are bribery; allowing special interests to run the country; a Congress that is hopelessly handcuffed by ideology and a my way or the highway mentality; McConnell just shoves his philosophy down our throats and we are helpless to stop it.

A minority of racists are about to control the SCOTUS once again, which thanks to lifetime appointments, will unfairly represent the common good for fifty years. Tragically we have been here before.

Tyranny is ever present!

So, the three branches of government are in desperate trouble; AGAIN! And our freedoms hang by a threat of a dysfunctional government made up of minority white power.

Ever wonder why other nations have not copied our “co-equal branches of government” the balance of power “miracle”that is “the best government on earth”?

Because it isn’t’…not even close!

The democracies of the rest of the planet use a Parliamentary political organization and matching political philosophy. The government adjusts to the popular will and quickly. There is a natural hedge on too much power, because coalitions are the only way any thing gets done. It’s called the social compact arriving through consensus at agreement on what is the public interest.

Parliamentary process can identify the public interest. It is in the public interest that the pandemic be stopped. Parliaments around the world are doing just fine doing so, our Republic is failing…

In the USA, coalitions and consensu are now avoided all the time; especially since Nixon’s southern strategy made one party, the Republican Party, into the ex slave state party, the party of business…the Democratic Party is more and more diverse, reflecting the reality, as torn as it is, of the country. And the Democratic Party is helpless to stop the erosion of democracy in spite of its diversity!

Trump calls consensus seekers “Losers”….

And governing for the common good? A government that sets the public interest and works to fulfill it is the common good..Our government can’t do it.

Have you checked the pandemic results lately…our government failed before it even started. The failure of government to protect its people is the first step to revolution…

State governments, wrong headed usually, are running the pandemic response, and in many cases killing thousands of people.

America is not failing for reasons that are new…no…these reasons go back 200 years1

Slavery was all about economic business, it made the USA great alright, very rich…rich enough to fight a deadly Civil War then destroyed every vestige of a Native American population that was quite frankly a genocide.

Slavery is still, in 2020, affecting us all permanently and with great danger.

How is that good government? How?

A Parliamentary government must have coalitions, compromises to function. If the ruling party cannot keep up their deals with other parties, it just doesn’t govern anymore…an election is called each time.

It is by no accident that the countries who are winning the battle with the pandemic are Parliamentary Democracies…the former Communist now Plutocracies are failing but not as bad as the USA, or are lying about their rates.

The United States is the sole leader in world failure to protect its citizens from the pandemic as of this writing.

Democratic nations can beat the pandemic…The USA just cannot! It’s the government structure that is failing…the Constitution is behind the death rate….

Churchill’s in the wake of WWII, that he helped win, lost a Parliamentary majority two years after the war and was gone. A new majority was brokered. Why…because Britain needed to rebuild and Churchill was not up to the job.

In short, for all its ills, a Parliamentary Government is way more flexible and efficient that’s what we have.

The USA is governed in most areas by a party that hates government! How is that even possible!?

Today we are faced with the end of our democracy because a President, who was elected by the Electoral College, has TOLD us he will not abide by the peaceful transfer of power. So now what happens?

We hold our breath.

I suggest a suspension of the Constitution and the end of democracy is closer that’s it was in 1860!

And that is another thread of the Constitution that led us into tyranny more than once since 1790…the tyranny of James Polk, of yes Lincoln, of R. B Hayes, of Woodrow Wilson, of FDR, of LBJ of Nixon, of Bush 2 and finally of Trump. The Imperial Presidency was not invented yesterday…it goes back to Polk…even Andrew Jackson.

It is called the imperial Presidency, and the Republican Party, the Party of small government remember, will soon elect a SCOTUS Judge, who will wipe out health care and abortion rights for the majority of American citizens.

We are faced with a tyranny of the minority that came from a tyranny of slavery.

It is still there….waiting…to end freedom…just like it perpetuated the ending of freedom for millions of people of color for hundreds of years.

The Constitution of the United States is a white supremacy, white privilege document that does its banality of evil very well.

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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