Never Quit

Greg Beale
3 min readAug 28, 2020


This is the center of it…the rage of old white men, who during their life times went from upper middle class, good incomes, nice house, to lay offs due to jobs sent overseas, loss of house and addiction to opioids.

But what about Community Colleges and Adult Education…studies show that women of baby boomer age have reinvented themselves far more than their disgruntled counterparts.

In many of these marriages gone horrible wrong, women are the breadwinners, leaving old mean men…. to sit in front of the TV all day long and build their rage.

Women held down the home front, worked at their service jobs and went to Community Colleges to add more to their resume. They did not quit…their husbands did.

Women in their 70s still work to keep their drunk drug addict alive.

Their husbands stayed at home, drank a lot, and took opioids like candy. And who did they blame for their lack of resilience?

The Democrats of course….especially the darker side of the Democrats. It was the Black’s fault, the Mexicans fault, the immigrants fault…Make America Great Again.

By the way there is not a chance in hell that is going to happen…because the CEOs, who join Trump in his Big Lie, are the ones who got ridiculously rich sending their jobs overseas…..Republicans sent the jobs away!

In the 70s Nixon used the Southern Strategy to win an overwhelming victory in 1972…law n order and racism became the Republican platform.

You saw it last night…the appeal to the angry old white man, who has become a fascist in his hate toward everyone. The pathetic “losers” whose only claim to status is “at least I’m not a black S.O.B”.

And he hates himself….the lazy old fool who sits in front of Fox News and is indoctrinated easily since they barely finished high school.

What they basically did was quit…

I was taught a quitter never wins and a winner never quits.. We have millions of dying old white men who have quit. They have no character anymore and that failure fuels a self deprecating behavior that is destructive to everyone…”If I can’t have what I want I will destroy everyone else” is the sickness that afflicts their self destructive, depressed state of mind.

They are definitely not like their fathers, who never quit…who grew up in a desperate depression, who fought a world war and then rebuilt American Democracy…their sons quit the first time things got tough. Their daughters were more resilient.

And people like me, who read and keep learning, they consider their enemy…an intellectual who is “uppity” who “is a know it all”, who they resent because well, because we don’t quit.

I almost quit…I lost my first wife to breast cancer, and tried to drown my sorrow in alcohol…but I kept working and finally, after I retired, I quit drinking thanks to my more resilient new wife, who told me to stop drinking or hit the trail…but I stopped because I stopped…I decided that what my father taught me, that quitters never win, made more sense than chronic self induced depression.

But man of my peers did quit. And they hate scapegoats for it; but ultimately hate themselves.

And even their wives, are their enemy, because they got off their butt and changed…

It’s called resilience and these old fascists. DO NOT HAVE IT..NO GUTS IS WHAT MY DAD USED TO SAY.

So, just like Germany in the 1930s, they succumb to what their fathers died fighting against: FASCISM

That is the truth of it. The problem is sitting in a recliner right now, drunk out of his mind, getting ready for another cycle of drinking, opioids, and doing nothing but save up the hate: AND BLAME EVERYONE BUT THEMSELVES.

The lucky thing is they are dying off fast….



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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