Native Peoples Get the Shaft Again
“Tribal leaders called on the Department of Interior to reject the Scotts Valley Casino proposal, which they said is environmentally harmful and undermines their sovereignty, during a news conference Thursday in West Sacramento.” Sacramento Bee
I was born and raised in Redding California…the Sacramento River runs right through.
My father told me about the gold mining and silver mining that had ruined the forests and water sheds in the North State.
He also told me of the genocide that afflicted most of the Native Peoples in the lush forests; that the white men destroyed to build the cities of today.
For years there was no retribution…nothing to make up for the tragedy that was Native American History.
Finally in the 1960s the Congress realized, thanks to hippies and well educated Native People, the government began making up for the years of tragedy.
One of the ideas, was to allow Casinos be built in California to help tribes. This did help somewhat, but many Native People got addicted to gambling! As usual the white majority used greed and avarice to help a little, but whites still made the money…there are many stories of Native People being killed for the money the Casinos made for them.
The watershed was NOT returned to the original state…even white farmers and ranchers screamed about the streams being ruined, that afflicted their livelihood.
It doesn’t really matter…now global warming is causing millions from the southern hemispheres to flea north….too hot and too wet.
And what do white bigots like Trump do? He bases his election on bashing Native People..why not it worked for Custer, it can work now.
It makes me sick….