Musk is Doing As Usual For His Own Pocketbook
Musk wants to kill the high speed rail so he can sell more of his cars…as usual Musk is a self centered fascist who only does things to help him.
Trump likes Musk for that exact reason.
The High Speed Rail would not only conserve oil, it would get people to and fro at high speeds, safely. Every month a collision happens on roads from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
But Musk doesn’t care…he only cares about him making more money.
Where is Donald Duck and the Scrooge, that we laughed out in the past…
Trump is leading this country into a fascist wonderland, run by the very rich and leaving the poor and middle class in the dust.
Next will be tariffs, that will cause our computers and cell phones to explode in cost. That’s right, the gadgets we all love, I am using one as I type this essay.
The High Speed in Rail merely copies what is going on in the rest of the world…They knew that oil is running out no matter what Musk says.
In 10 to 15 years the climate change will kill thousands and there will be no gas…
You can bet that the rich will have their cars, leaving the rest of us to starve to death.
Why is it that rich people are such ass holes! That’s right ass holes…
What we need is to rise up, and put the rich in their place…