WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide the legality of a key component of the Affordable Care Act that effectively gives a task force established under the landmark health care law known as Obamacare the ability to require that insurers cover preventive medical care services at no cost to patients.
So the Supreme Court that has, since Trump appointed them, ram their Christianity down our throats…that is fascist Christians…the most dangerous kind!
This is beyond belief….really…
Look, a persons body is her or his body…the government should never get involved unless their is threats to the body of the person involved.
Trump already achieved getting abortion nearly ended in the United States…now it is snooping around in the persons sex propensity of men and women.
Unless it harms others, it is none of others business.
But NO…MAGAS crazy fascist Evangelicals shove their twisted morality down our throats.
“It is none of their damned businesses”……