Second Rangers Company
The cliffs of Point Du-Hoc had a commanding view of the Normandy Beaches. It was well known that an artillery firing point was established at the top of sheer cliffs rising hundred of feet above Omaha Beach. The artillery could stop any invasion that came from Omaha Beach below.
The Army had established Rangers, who were elite soldiers, made up of physically fit airborne qualified soldiers who were trained to take on the most difficult missions; basically suicide missions.
And there was no lack of volunteers. Not in 1944.
And they were trained in teamwork, highly disciplined, and knowledgeable about. impossible missions.
At Point-Du-Hoc this meant under Fire, early on D-Day, to scale vertical cliffs under fire from above and take out the artillery above.
June 4, 1944 the Rangers were brought in under fire, with some artillery support from destroyers off shore, the scrambled straight up the cliffs. Many never even got off the ground.
Nobody said the mission was too hard.
Nobody made excuses, they went up rope ladders into fire and hand grenades.
Over half of the task force never made it to the top.
But half did and discovered no artillery. None!
Rather than protest the unfairness of bad intelligence, they subdued the resistance and struck out looking for the artillery.
As it turned out the Germans had moved the six big guns inland to avoid air attack.
The Rangers followed clues that German support troops had foolishly left, followed them. and found the guns.
With less than half the original force they caught the Nazis by surprise and were able to destroy the artillery that was about to annihilate what was left of Omaha Beach.
Nobody complained about the deadly sacrifice the intelligence mistakes cost them. Nobody refused to follow orders, in a very difficult mission. Nobody followed bullshit divisiveness. They didn’t have that luxury.
They were led by a Lt Colonel. who was a great leader. He was tough and fair. And he never lied.
You could not lie and deceive a Ranger. There was a trust of leadership that was earned, not based on lies.
They followed orders, and with crosses of the friends are still on the cliff tops of Pointe-Du-Hoc today; helped save the invasion of D-Day.
The good of the many were more important than the selfishness of the few.
Patriotic service and sacrifice was the reason the were an elite force.
My wife’s father was a ranger, heavily decorated, not at D-day but fought through Italy.
NONE OF THESE MEN WOULD HAVE REFUSED TO FOLLOW THE STAY AT HOME DIRECTIVE TO PROTECT THE MANY FROM A PANDEMIC. These men followed orders having faith in the TRUTH of those orders. We lost Vietnam because orders were based on lies. You can’t motivate someone to risk their life for a lie!
But they trusted leadership because it never lied. There were screw ups but no deceptions.
Their opponent was based on deception and THAT IS WHAT COST THEM THE WAR.
This did not mean they didn’t adapt to the unforeseen. They were selected as the elite because there were adaptive, and they did exactly that when they didn’t find the artillery where it was supposed to be.
The Germans moved the guns to protect them. The Rangers found them anyway.
Ok, follow orders. This is coming from a person who was forced into service during the Vietnam War, and learned that FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! AND we failed in Vietnam because we were lied to!
Nobody complained, nobody questioned the We….Nobody complained about Me.
They gave the highest measure of devotion.
Shame on those of you who show up at a crowded beach because you have told a pack of lies about a killer Pandemic by a President who lies all the time!
We need the Rangers dedication and discipline right now. We need leadership that stops deceiving.
And we need to say enough to a draft dodging traitor who is masquerading as President.
He is a disgrace to the country and all those dedicated and loyal soldiers who gave their lives so that we could be free.