Land of the Free Home of the Brave
We are brought up with myths…The myth that people of color are somehow genetically inferior to Europeans. The myth that all of us can be rich. The myth of America as “the shining light on the hill”.
And then a pandemic hits and the myths turn into a nightmare.
Home of the brave: But we currently have a bully for a President who has the chickenshit Republicans afraid of a narcissistic bully who cuts and runs every time he is challenged.
Land of the free: A country that has tolerated the worst case of chattel slavery in history. A country that to this DAY, refuses to deal with a caste society that brands babies of color losers before they are one year old.
A hateful, vengeful and me first mentality in at least 35% of the citizens, who consort with a fascism that is aimed on making a few plutocrats very rich: A plutocrat who seeks mail order items to millions who threatens to fire his workers when they get sick from his neglect; a plutocrat who threatens to move his factory because he is not providing a facility that doesn’t get his workers safe.
We worship “Shark Tank” and elected a President who was the star of reality TV, who raped women on the side, who cheated those who worked for him…who wrongly accused a President of not being a citizen simply to hype up his rotten goal of being President…who chanted Lock Her Up about his opponent who did nothing wrong, then lies and kills people with his incompetence. And that 35% worships him as he mocks them behind the curtain…He hates you by the way…
Land of the Free? If you are white….home of the brave…said President dodged the draft…as did millions of other “patriots”.
Tough guys who are a hundred pounds over weight, who have never been close to military service, but strut around with expensive assault rifles, threatening a female governor.
Had enough yet?
California, who had a book written about it called “The Murder State” who in 1850 passed its first law as a state setting up a bounty system to kill women and children of color for money? A genocide ensued.
A genocide is going on right now…40% of the deaths of the pandemic have come from Rest Homes, assisted living hell holes that were killing people BEFORE the pandemic from abuse and neglect.
And the children and the grandchildren left the elders to rot, while they screamed lock her up to a public servant who did nothing wrong.
But WINNING is everything, that is another American trait…individualism is seen along with greed and avarice as character traits.
We worship the rich…
Team work and self sacrifice for the pubic good is what Jesus taught..
But those who get richer and richer, with a few exceptions, fix elections with their money, openly buy politicians, who never pass laws for anyone but the rich.
That is America today…a mess of selfish, self-centered immature brats who cannot say WE THE PEOPLE with a straight face.
And finally they who are supporting a political party that is fascist, forgetting a long. ago war that was fought to kill fascism; that at the end of that war discovered a genocide of Biblical proportions. And during the war, America turned its backs on Jewish refugees. And the leadership of the Allies knew about the concentration camps….but said nothing, leaving it to regular GIs for find the camps; only then did the world show any revulsion; because in the end most of the Allies were as anti Semitic as the Nazis!
Kill old people, it makes a profit…elect a tyrant who then kisses the American Flag he never risked anything to protect…
Fascists and hypocrites are Americans today…Calling people commies and sheep for wearing masks to help curb a killer virus; that is America today.
Home of the. free…sure free to kill to maim to scream ME ME ME..Land of the Brave…draft dodger for a President…less than 1% of the adult population has served theirs county in any way….
If I hear “Thank you for your service” one more time, from a person who worked like hell to avoid public or military service, I will throw up.
America is failing. because we are so self absorbed they cannot even wear a mask.
That is not individualism, that is greed and hateful behavior.
And that dream that never was is dying a hypocritical death in the face of a virus that knows no bullshit, that doesn’t abide by lies…
Had enough yet?