Greg Beale
4 min readMay 7, 2020

It’s is Personal

Always a hard time in our family. I had a “contact” with a former friend..who sent out a post (made from right winger zealots) that listed all the other ways Americans die. The con was given away when the lie listed over a million Americans died from abortion…I call this the minimalist defense of Trump and the Republicans’ genocide of the aged, the poor and those people of color.

I stopped the fool, he used to be a neighbor, with in 1997 42,001 Americans died of Breast Cancer. At the time that about how many Americans had died of the virus…it is double that now in 1 week

Anyway I said, “And one of those was my wife”….

One is too many when it a loved one. Nothing, I mean nothing will assuage the pain and agony of losing Lorena…

I turned to alcohol and finally was stopped by Jan, who literally threatened. to leave me. My girls still aren’t over it…great women I am so proud of, because they showed more courage in their little finger (one of the daughters ironically almost lost her husband to cancer)…than a MAGA hat wearer has in their cowardly bodies.

We are like veterans of a war, with PTSD, with scars of the ONE who died.

So, every victim of the pandemic is not just one, it is a one is a million…

And the pandemic did not need to be as bad as it is…everyone who has a brain knows that this is a massive fuck up by the present simple minded President!

And that makes it personal…the same personal that makes me angry every time I see a Doctor blow off “one more dead”…every time I deal with an insurance company and America’s hopelessly greedy and awful health care system,

Every time I pick up a prescription and remember our “doctors” who took my wife off Ativan with no weaning , and she tried to kill herself…any idiot knew you can’t do that after using the anxiety medicine for 5 years….

And the inevitable interview with a police officer who was called by the same doctor that took Lorena off Ativan all at once, blaming ME for encouraging her suicide attempt…..I stopped her by the way and practically risked my life to do so.

Too personal..not appropriate…tell that to a pandemic survivor…tell that to the meat packer who knows he will get sick, the poor African American who is working double shifts in a elder care facility, as one after another dies, knowing she has the virus…..and who cares for her kids?


Fact is if you are black or brown your chances of dying from breast cancer are higher, simply because most cannot afford getting tested (sound familiar) with a mammogram.

Nobody can get tested like we should thanks to Trump and the privileged class, who is actively participating in a genocide right now!

That is why a disproportion number of people of color are dying from breast cancer, diabetes, etc…it is called poverty and bad medical system. I call it what it is, genocide!

But that is wrong because we have a great health care system, right? WRONG!

The SAME SYSTEM THAT didn’t warn us that a 40 year old’s mammograms are not that reliable, THE SAME SYSTEM THAT MISSED THE DIMPLED NIPPLE.

My wife showed it to the nurse when she got her first mammogram and was told, “Looks like a normal breast to me”….A dimpled nipple I now know is a very bad sign…if you have one, get to the doctor immediately….

Now my wife didn’t say anything about that until a YEAR later…because I am sure she was believing the mammogram that showed nothing. Nobody warned us about mammogram’s inaccuracies…There was no google then.

But the same disaster that is the pandemic, the lack of testing, the lack of care except for the rich…doesn’t help my kids, doesn’t help me get through another day, remembering the fears, remembering 8 years of nightmare. And right now, I am a target, an elder…who the system is seeking to eliminate..

I sobered up for my wife, both of them, and my kids. I cry for my children who had to go through what thousands of Americans are going through right now…and the privileged don’t give a shit.

As long as it doesn’t happen to me it’s ok… long as it is the poor…

Wrong, it happens to everybody…what doesn’t happened to everybody is compassion from a nation that puts ME FIRST….

The protestors who spit in the cops’ face, who say it is their RIGHT to make other people sick, but will scream like crazy when they get sick…..

Think not? Then have a family member who gets a terminal disease…yes many friends. stood up and helped, but the majority I never saw….who later apologized that “I just couldn’t come by because I was so upset”..

You were upset! YOU WERE UPSET?!

All the time this happened……and now, a privileged class who has no problem throwing poor people and elders under the bus…I guess it is too upsetting right?

I mean they brag about it.

All I can say if if you believe that then unfriend me…and if you cross my path you better be prepared to protect yourself.


It always was. America worships money. America is sometimes a hateful place. America does compassion badly, America lost its soul when the first slave child was separated from their mother when they loaded the boats, when the first Naive American had their hand cut off by Columbus because they wouldn’t work in the gold mine


Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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