It’s Culture…Not Race!

Now there are some of you who say that this puts police at risk, that this is a dangerous law. We shall have to implement it to find out. Referring to the law California passed today to make it more difficult for police to fire with more checking on motive…

Greg Beale
7 min readAug 20, 2019

The justification by the author of the Bill is telling….”The law “stretches the boundaries of possibility and sends a message to people all across the country that they can do more,” he said. “Training matters, yes. Accountability matters, certainly. Transparency, indeed. But culture. Changing hearts changing minds, changing our approach to dealing with one another.”

It is changing culture, it is stop thinking in terms of race (because race is a false definition)…there is only one human race…there are lots of human cultures, which are changeable, adaptable and complex.

Racism, based on lies, non “scientific” falsehoods that have been discredited years ago, is a false hierarchy of human beings that was meant to justify: 1. Slavery….2. Stealing land from indigenous peoples throughout the world (witness Australia, Africa, the Americas etc etc. It is predicated on a fiction to justify to enable different religions to practice markedly unreligious behavior: Like going into a culture and destroying it in the a deity’s name (Junipero Serra).

The missionary zeal! The idea that Native American Boarding Schools were meant to Kill the Indian Save the Man…kill the Indian culture to assimilate unwilling children into the white culture (of course they couldn’t because racism was being practiced) which meets the definition of genocide.

These are culture wars, not racial wars. These are excuses for injustice that has calcified into a larger culture of discrimination causing under classes (witness India), that in the long run drags the larger culture down. India, a victim of colonialism, had its already caste system reinforced by the British toxic caste system which retards Indian culture into constant frustration for centuries.

Indian culture is stratified into an aristocracy system in a very high populated area, a ticking time bomb that will ultimately decline into war.

Until we all realize that racism is a false concept, a lie, that drives cultural warfare, we won’t stop the killing, within the cultures and between competing cultures.

The saddest part of this that is within the afflicted culture high levels of violence exist due to poverty and in reaction to The unfairness of the dominant culture. This acts to not only drag down the victims of this discrimination, but also the privileged class, who are weakened with increasing taxes and a reduced consumer base that causes increasing economic failure.

The privileged class is numbed by its wealth to not realize that a racist sick society will ultimately be their undoing!

Anyone, I mean anyone, of any culture, would react in similar ways, Black Rage, Indian Rage; etc etc is a real reaction to the injustices people live everyday. And in America these angry young men and women are often well armed.

The police are thrown into that cesspool of hate caused by the dominant culture and react exactly as you would expect, shoot first ask questions later, because they see the rage everyday, they walk on the “wild side” into places most of the dominant culture refuse to even go.

Segregation was offered by the racists as a cure to this, with the amazing notion that segregating human beings from each other based on a common indicator, religion, size, hair color, skin color, would somehow fix things.

And of course, this ploy only makes the dominant culture weaker, due to the high costs of that segregation. Segregated schools weaken the oppressed culture with poor education, it weakens the dominant culture by perpetuating the crippling costs of prisons, police etc etc.

America has armed itself to the teeth, further damaging civilized culture, with fear. Trump uses this fear of the “thug” of the rapist and murderous Brown Skinned people to get elected. And what do we have, a dangerously split population, bumping closer and closer to violence all the time. Nobody, I mean not even supporters of Trump are comfortable right now…all of us, I mean ALL Americans know deep inside that something has to give, that violence is always close.

The murder rages of young men armed with AK-47s and M-16s, shooting mass numbers of victims, motivated by this racism caused rage, has our school children wearing bullet proof backpacks to school, suggestions we arm preachers and teachers as our culture careens into nihilism!

Think not…read up on Nazi Germany and what racism and prejudice ultimately ends with!

And always, I mean always, this Racist fascism drives the whole culture down, costing too much for prisons, relegating police to occupying military forces (witness South Africa). Think not, look at where the racism and prejudice took Hitler and Germany, how it eroded even the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire; etc etc.

Mexico for example, India for another, caste systems that are more than dysfunctional…And the United States is right there now, with a government system that is hopelessly deadlocked on both the state and federal level.

The United States is not the only place this is happening…Unfortunately due to the long existence of racism and prejudice and chattel slavery, plus genocide of native people, the United States has been copied by other cultures to excuse criminal state behavior: Germany for example…Hitler copied Indian Reservations with his Concentration Camp Final Solution.

And Hitler led Germany into state suicide! 2.5 million Germans died from 1946 to 1947 AFTER the war was over, because Hitlers racist fascism had destroyed the infrastructure, people died of diseases and starvation.

All of it. I mean all of it is based on no scientific evidence whatsoever. All of it, I mean all of it, is based on cultural wars driven often by greed and avarice, creating a caste system of social and economic injustice that is self perpetuating even after the dominant culture begins to change for the better. That is exactly were the United States is today. Even electing an African American President didn’t do much to change a certain percentage of Americans who harbor deep racial bias.

Privilege drives it as well, unearned privilege that insures the dominant culture is perpetuated based on false premises; the recent college admissions scandal is a perfect example. Threats to that privilege, which allows certain cultures a free road to prosperity, easier than for everyone else, are met with political corruption; ending democracy as a method to define a true public interest.

A racist ridden political system cannot possibly be democratic, it always declines into a form of fascism; and dictatorship, fights wars it can’t win, and then declines into chaos.

One could argue that aristocracies will decline because of unearned privilege that can lead to devastating wars; WWI and WWII are two good examples…both wars saw aristocracies end in bloodshed, Germany’s Kaiser, Japan’s Emperor.

The reason is that unearned privilege corrupts behavior. Inherited privilege is a corrosive influence on the body politic. If you follow Trump you following a conceited narcissistic fool, who was given everything, earned nothing, and fancies himself somehow better than EVERYONE ON THE PLANET. He has called himself a genius businessman, after going through what, five bankrupcies. He refuses to devulge his true net worth, because it way lower than he brags about. He even brags about awards he has allegedly received, which are fiction.

This is what happens when an aristocratic corrupt fool gets into power. It happened with a syphillis ridden Henry the Eighth. George the Third comes to mind, whose idiotic leadership allowed the American Colonies, hopelessly out gunned, to prevail. Inherited power and wealth will ultimately result in corruption and incompetency in sons and daughters of original opulant parents.

And the dominant culture may ultimately corrode , causing civil warfare, and invevitable decline.

South Africa finally ended this decline into warfare, by stopping the discrimination; by allowing the dominant culture that had been falsely subjugated to increase in power, with leadership that demanded fair treatment of all human beings. And as they rebuilt the leadership of the country, they encountered deep seated corruption and immoral practices by the ruling elite.

Trump is trying the same thing, baffle them with bullshit.

And so far it is working.

Every civilization, no matter what the color of its skin, from Aztec to German, from Inca to Indian, will decline into violence if they stumble into injustice and a caste system based on color, or language or whatever; and not a class system based on economic fairness and equal competition that encourages entrepreneurs; American conservatism has this right to some degree, but misses the racism danger part.

A racist culture cannot build a successful economic system in the long run…in the short run yes (the Confederacy was a very short run for example) but it cannot sustain itself because it is based in unfairness, on repression and finally a state sanctioned violence that is self defeating; witness Japan, Germany twice, Russia; etc etc.

Only civilizations that cooperate to a LARGE degree, that protect a legal system of tolerance and justice, that Laws govern Not MEN….is the lesson the Bible, the Koran, and successful RELIGIONS have preached for centuries.

Civilizations go into decline when they cease cooperation, common purpose, can’t define the public interest.

Racism and prejudice takes civilizations in exactly the wrong direction! Warfare is an inevitable result…And today such warfare is nuclear, which threatens the only true race….the human one.

That is why this law is not a cure all…the last sentence of it’s author in the quote above is. The only way police can once again practice good police work in this gun ridden, hate ridden mess, is to end the gun ridden hate ridden mess with love, cooperation and teamwork. All of which the ruling elite in the country of course oppose!

That is the only way we can stop racism and injustice in this country…the only way…And it is a survival need that cannot be ignored.

For example, every time the United States was threatened, really threatened it dropped some of its segregation racist policies toward soldiers of color; many military experts say this won the Civil War, it certainly helped in WWI and was a critical difference in WWII.

Enough said!



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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