“Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”
“It was his “banality” that predisposed him to become one of the greatest criminals of his time, Arendt claimed. She complained that while in the trial Eichmann had been accused, absurdly she thought, of having been the very architect, the brain, behind the Holocaust, his essential brainlessness was never even brought up or discussed. It wasn’t discussed partly because it was so hard to grasp.”
Hanna Arendt…”….The Banalty of Evil”
Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought. Right now we are faced with fascism. Today, the Fascist in Chief declared that no matter what HE will not close the economy again. HIS BRAINLESSNESS doesn’t even remember he has left closing and opening to the states.
Just think about that…..oh that’s right, the Great Leader needs not think nor do YOU , his fascist followers need not think…evil requires no thought.
If the demagogue would allow thinking, but that is impossible because he is evil…and cannot think.
Eichmann was accused of being a part of the plan to kill 7 million Jews, 15 million Russians, etc. But his BRAINLESSNESS was never brought up.
Trump is consumed with evil and is simply incapable of rational thought.
This is what fascism does…it kills its victims and the victimizer’s brain.
As I watch how film makers handled the gruesome concentration camps, the evil that struck an entire country brainless, to kill indiscriminately men, women and children with no remorse, really with no thought at all.
I am haunted by the fascism of the militia leader during California’s genocide of Native Americans, who shot the five year little boy in the face with his handgun, and declared to his fellow killers, that he got his 5 dollar bounty humanely because he didn’t use his buffalo rifle, and showed Christian mercy.
That is the banality of evil.
Literally millions of children were killed by fascism in the extermination camps.
Before the war retarded children were genocided by Nazi doctors to purify the Aryan Race.
Evil destroys thinking. Fascism is a weapon of pure evil.
And we have evil in the White House and in our government, that has now embarked on a genocide of our own people.
This is a genocide at the mercy of brainlessness from our President!
I am also watching GIs who killed fascism, who cry openly with what they had to do to kill fascism and snap a continent out of brainlessness. It took killing to stop the banality of evil. PTSD was these heroes reward for thinking as they dropped the bombs, or shot the fascist in the head.
The difference? The GIs were thinking when they dropped the bombs. The GIs kept their souls!
Fascists have lost theirs!
That is Why We Fought! That is what USED TO definE THE USA. That is what we about to lose right now!
Republican, who were once the emancipator abolitionist who saved our Union now are in bed with the thoughtless.
The banality of evil is a disease of human being moral thinking. It is the same thing that crucified Christ, that shot Lincoln, that assassinated JFK, that lynched African Americans by the thousands and is a threat to the very CIVILIZATION of mankind.
We are not just faced with a pandemic, we are faced with an evil that threatens. our basic humanity.
What we have now is a test of our humanity. If we remain brainless, doing our fascist President’s brainless bidding, we are no better than Hitler or Mussolini!
Where do YOU stand. Are you too, brainless?