These stories breaks the hearts of those who espouse democracies.
Fascism is so insidious , it strikes the under educated or uneducated.
Limbaugh preyed on the political naive castes; who had it made they thought after WWII, until the recessions hit, the lay offs hit, the timber resource was cut down, and of course the never ending warmth of global warming.
This led to a mass migration from equatorial regions; increased migration to avoid the heat of global climate change. This migration was seized by demagogues around the world, to push for totalitarian fascism.
There are defined aspects to fascism and its allure to all people.
Anger from a perceived mind set of loss, or being undervalued by parents and later society, drives prospective fascists to look for answers to the problems of the world in simple solutions. People become fascists because of their sense of undervalue in the society.
We saw graphic evidence of this process during WWII. We watched in horror as the Axis powers spread a world war around the globe, punctuated by racism and prejudice toward Jews, Russians and about everyone else except Aryan Germans; that resulted in a genocide of Biblical proportions.
For example the rapid growth of radical Christian and Moslem movements that profess to “cure all these problems” aided dictatorships and weakened democracies.
Democracies are the answer to fascism, they also are where fascist movements usually start! It is truly a paradox.
It is all about power and how to manipulate it. It sure as hell isn’t truth.
Truth lies in working to increase tolerance of multi-cultures, to make the rich pay their fair share, of a more inclusive economic and political system.
The problem is that corruption naturally follows fascism; it is truly all about money in the final analysis; a stark reminder are films of the Nazi concentration camps that literally pried gold teeth out of the victims’ of the gas chambers; the seizure of Jewish property all over Europe during the war, the continued genocide of Native Americans and the continued racism terror aimed by WASP’s toward African Americans, Asian Americans, Native American, Muslim American, the backlash against women’s rights; etc.
This paradigm is EXACTLY what is going on in our country right now.
Trump was not an isolated exception to democracy he was merely the messenger of the rage of middle caste America.
And fear is the tool that Limbaugh and other plutocrats always use to propagandize their angry constituents, with the aim of total political power and the destruction of democracy; we just saw it January 6.
It is not new. The United States is a torn country; torn between its professed ideals and reality.
There are many historical reasons for the growth of fascism and extremism on the right: 1. A decline in the manufacturing sector and a transfer to other emerging countries of America’s manufacturing. 2. A legacy of slavery and racism toward African Americans. 3. The guilt that the white descendants of white people feel when the subject of Native American genocide comes up. 4. The emergence of right wing media, both on the Internet and on Cable TV and AM Radio talk shows. 5. The reality of a bigoted ruling caste who refuses to even admit 1–4 above; it. is White Fragility. 6. The shift of America from a democracy to a plutocracy. 7. The emergence of global warming and its side effects; the killer pandemic for example, that has the public scared and has divided people because crowds spread the virus.
Democracy is imperiled when people are stressed, they turn to simple solutions to complex problems; told to them by demographic radio and TV personalities. 8. The allure of the simple solutions to complex problems (just build a wall) that overcomes ordinarily decent and moral people.
All of these lead to fascism. And this fascist phenomenon. not only has its effect in the USA, it is now a worldwide phenomenon.
Russia for example is now a plutocratic dictatorship, Italy’s fascist party is growing by leaps and bounds, etc. The lessons of WWII have been lost as the greatest generation dies…The legacy of anti-fascism is now attacked by the right as being socialist, ignoring that anti fascism saved the world in 1945.
The enemy of the world in the 1940s is making a comeback with the allure of simple answers to complex issues and anger with how not to cope with the modern paradigm; you need for example a college degree to get a decent job; with the rest falling into the misery of retail employment for poor pay.
And the rich get richer. And fascism metastasizes.
The middle class miracle that made the United States the strongest nation in the world after 1946 has turned into a nightmare, as baby boomers get laid off, get their wages cut just as they planned to retire.
Social Security was never intended to be a leveler of all people, it was to provide a base of support for retirees, not to be their sole income. Plutocrats long ago got rid of pensions for former workers, leaving it to them to invest wisely. Most families, where both spouses worked, cannot meet all of their expenses every month so the cannot save for their retirement.
Most middle class retired people do not have adequate pensions as the result. Many 70 somethings are still working; they have no pension. And they are angry. They listen to the demagogues rather than those who are trying to help them.
So the dreams of middle caste Americans has been destroyed by the global economy and by a ruling economic caste in America that is fascist to the core;and actually hates the lower caste whites who once were the backbone of the economic ruling caste but no longer share in the sharing in the prosperity.
Plutocrats do not share well; therefore the middle caste follows the right wing fascist not realizing they are getting “worked”…..The rich get richer the poor, poorer!
Limbaugh knew this so he used it every day to rile up people to apply the right wing’s hatred of the New Deal. What was a political movement morphed into a political fascist one. And its victims are people of color AND the lower and middle white caste.
Proof is right in front of us, in the U.S. Senate’s blockage of the minimum wage and a host of other failed attempts to aid the hurting white middle caste.
Plutocrats do not share well! And they have the middle caste convinced they have nothing to do with the white middle caste anger when in fact, plutocrats have EVERYTHING TO DO IT!
The Pandemic only added fuel to the fire of about 25% of the population of the USA. It only punctuated the inequities of America’s caste society organized around income AND the color of a person’s skin.
The racism of America fueled Limbaugh’s anger filled radio shows. He was “mad as hell and not take it anymore”.
The problem with this is the behavior of Limbaugh and the right wing communication explosion, only served to make a bad situation even worse.
It was no accident that a racist President was elected after 8 years of a person of color Presidency…America’s weakness of racism was manipulated by Limbaugh and over “conservatives” who were mad. It elected Trump but, without a majority of the popular vote.
This led to a unparalleled deadlock of the government: right wing plutocracy members who are fascist against yes socialist liberal Democrats who see the way out of this mess through sharing the wealth legislation that the right wing politicians hate. So we get a lawless and deadlocked society. BLM AND Proud Boys hit the streets to plea their case.
And it is only a matter of when they will clash…It is called Civil War.
BLM didn’t help,in their protest demonstrations; all of the vitriol they have. They are mad as hell
that after a Black Presidency racism actually INCREASED and was NOT the game changer most expected it to be. Once again the KKK and the right wing prevailed and voted for Donald J. Trump.
The aim of all of this IS political power, entrenching a minority of right wing zealots in every legislature in the country with larger percentages of fascist racists sitting as active. members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
And of course there was the phenomenon of Trump; who used his bigotry to feed the fire of an angst that the middle caste suffered when they realized that upward mobile classes having. represented American economic society, now. was a caste, with no upward mobility that had driven America’s middle class after WWII.
This anger and frustration led to a plutocracy that has grown quickly, fed by the anger of the new middle caste and awareness of what it was doing to the “American”Dream; which has morphed into a nightmare. And, without “management” of their anger, the reality of backlash motivated the ruling “caste” to try ending the democratic process. to maintain their power in the USA; witness January 6, 2021.
That is textbook fascist and neofascist: the feeling of loss, of not being respected, of white privilege gone wrong feed the growth of anger and fascism in the general population.
Meanwhile the targets of this anger, protest as well having lost tolerance for their history of being a target of the anger of white privilege.
African Americans have seen their middle class dream that they moved out of the south after WWII, turn to a nightmare of ghetto life.
So there is anger all over the place in the American society.
And it is motivated by a castes society in a myth of an upward mobile USA…
This realization of permanent caste caused the Watt’s riots and. too many protests to count. This anger has made law n order a racist call, that calls for reform and now calls for civil war that’s comes from both the left AND the right.
It is all about caste and anger of the lack of true upward mobility.
It worked in Germany, using Jews as the foils. It worked in Russia, who had a very brief glimpse of democracy then sold out to plutocracy and Putin.
And it is a clear and present danger in the United States of America.