How Many More Lives?

Greg Beale
4 min readAug 3, 2018

How many more lives must be lost, how many more houses must burn down, how much more money must be spent before we wake up? It is not complicated, global warming is accelerating, And oil is running out.

The fossil fuel monsters, who are lying to us, claim that peak oil, that predicted 1998 as the year that oil production would hit its peak and it would decline from there, are now factoring in potential renewable energy sources (hybrids and electric cars) to lengthen the time before the world literally runs out of gas. This is bullshit.

The problem is that we haven’t been told the whole story, so we “trust the bandits” and continue to own multiple cars, drive too much, and refuse to use mass transportation.

Just this past week a major city in California nearly burned up; although high winds are predicted in the next few days with high temperatures, Redding is still in deep shit. The fire is not out!

And Trump cuts emissions standards? What kind of monsters are these people.

The oil cabal KNOWS that oil is finite. Right now they are mining tar sands and crap oil, with fracking and other chemical tricks that are ruining water supplies,s causing earthquakes, and causing spills all over the land. Moreover, they want to mine in ocean areas, already mined and exhausted, and frack them, in a procedure that can ruin the oceans even more.

All it will take is convincing the American people to get out of their cars, get back on trains and mass transit, insist on efficient transportation and stop the car culture. This is doable; but not when we elect monsters like Trump!

This doesn’t mean you won’t own a car. It does mean the car will get 50 miles per gallon or is electric (my Prius right now gets 55 miles per gallon).

But Republicans as usual, who were responsible for the wholesale destruction of American forests after the Civil War (the Republican Party was the prominent party from 1865 until 1912). Standard Oil ruined the land and forests were annihilated while the car culture started.

In the 1960s passenger trains were gutted, routes closed and millions of rail workers laid off, as America moved to the freeways. Suddenly it cost three times more to travel, factoring in gas, insurance, freeway costs; etc. Did you know that freight can move 75% more efficiently on a train than on trucks (and save 75% and higher fuel). Truck ruin the roads and burn oil many times more than a train.

And after WWII both parties joined in the wholesale switch to carbon based fules. Train lines were torn up, gasoline stations offered 8 man service; it was literally nuts.

And cities sprawled, suburbs grew rapidly, increasing the gasoline driven car commute to 20, 30 50 miles one way. The nation was place on automobile wheels, restaurants even became drive through, with girls in short skirts and on roller skates delivering food to customers. America became the prototype of a car mania driven culture.

In the 1950s a Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower, famously started the interstate freeway system, multiple car ownership was encouraged, and L.A. smog began to choke our children to death.

The smog got so bad, along with ACID rain, that a Republican President, Richard Nixon actually got the Environmental Protection Agency passed and some progress was made to reduce the Smog.

I am from Redding (which may still burn down as the winds increase) and was in L.A. for our Freshman Football game against U.S.C. I remember my chest hurt and I reported it to the trainer, thinking I had a cold or something. He laughed and said, “That’s the smog son”.

Being from Redding, I didn’t know what smog was.

Today you cannot breathe in Redding, the fire has filled the valley with smog that is very dangerous to breathe.

And so it goes, the oil tyrants continue to addict us more and more to oil, even though we are rapidly running out of it. But they reason that they can get fabulously rich, even if we all die. The car culture still encourages young immature idiots to buy and app (now) that causes their car to make more noise, backfire, you know like tough guys.

Tough and whoop assed stupid!

When the run out comes, I hope the mobs gather and go to the homes of these oil baron ass holes and give them the Mussolini Treatment (find a lamp post that is still standing).

These people are animals, they are so vicious and greedy it defies description.

And Trump, the great liar, is trying to destroy our already pathetic attempts to reverse global warming, while extreme weather events occur every damned day. Just go outside. Oh, that’s right, you are holed up with your air conditioner.

Our government has failed us. Our local governments has been hamstrung by conservative zealots, who actually were able to defeat two sales tax measures in Redding, that destroyed the fire suppression programs the city, that sits in one of the most fire prone areas in the world, had.

For 10 years Redding sat virtually unprotected, just waiting for the right conditions. It didn’t take long, with a temperature of 114 a spark from a flat tire trailer and the whole county blew up.

And still the deniers continue, the optimism that “Make America Great Again” uses to virtually enslave all of us, emasculates attempts to reduce the danger to lower the temperatures.

And global warming will accelerate, reversing the moderate climate that enabled the human race, and return us to the era of Dinosaurs.

The Reckoning is on us!



Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.