I saw this Sacramento Bee article on the Sacramento Bee app and thought you’d be interested.
Trump won because Democrats keep telling young men they’re dangerous and don’t matter | Opinion
“In 2020, Joe Biden won young men under 30 by 15 points. In 2024, Donald Trump won them by 13 points. What happened, and what can Democrats do about it? As someone who has been elected three times to the board of directors of the National Organization for Women in New York City, I was worried about dynamics that I felt few Democrats were registering.
I saw these repeatedly as I was researching my book, “The Boy Crisis.” I recall interviewing a young man from Mill Valley, California, a city with deep Democratic Party ties. As the interview concluded, he broke down, “I wish I hadn’t been born male.” Sacramento Bee
So the young men moved into the white supremacy and this is somehow good? It’s like saying in the 1920s: “Wow, young white men vote for fascism”
How in the hell is this in any way a good thing…
Hitler did exactly the same thing, using ex-soldiers from the lost WWI as the core of the Nazi power. Germany did not have everyone owning an arsenal, so Hitler used the guns he could find, to scare what was left of democracy.
It took Hitler about 20 years after WWI, to see that his fascism could lead the country.
Trump has been working on his since he was working in New York…He broke into newspapers when he made a big deal, and a lie by the way, of black rapists attacking a female runner.
It was all a lie, and Trump was called on it…but the white supremacists who hid their prejudice, secretly loved what Trump was doing.
The truth is many white American males are moving faster and faster into Nazi land.
If you thing differently just read the paper every day…the trend is a dictatorship and fascism just like Hitler.
And you have elected to go into civil war…
Congratulations MAGA, you have just destroyed the United States of America.
Damn you to hell!