He Really Didn’t Win By Much
“This morning it was announced that it appears the final count may now be in — and Trump has FAILED to win a majority of the popular vote. His final total, as of now, will be under 50% — or 49.83%.
This was no landslide. It was the smallest percentage of a popular vote victory in a Presidential election since Richard Nixon in 1968.
Here’s how little we lost by:
Just 12 votes per precinct across the entire United States!
That’s it. With Harris behind by just 2.4 million votes out of the 152 million who voted, that’s an average of just 12 votes per precinct across the nearly 200,000 precincts in the U.S.
Is there anybody reading this who believes we can’t get just 12 more people out in our part of town to vote next time? Exactly! C’mon, yes, we just got a kick in the gut, it super sucks, we’ve got a real fight ahead of us — but we’re only a dozen people short per precinct!” News
So he did not get a landslide after all…A normal president would be conciliatory. Not Trump.
But the Constitution will prove that a tiny win means harder to rule.