Get Rid of Your Gasoline Cars and Trucks….Use Public Mass Transit……

Greg Beale
2 min readAug 7, 2024


Under current law, all of California’s electricity must come from renewable and zero-carbon sources by 2045. On the way there, lawmakers required the state to hit

90% before 2036”. Sacramento Bee

It is sure that the public doesn’t want to give up their cars…but they will have to BECAUSE WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF GAS.

Americans are spoiled by a glut of oil…that began to decline about 20 years ago…Peak Oil.

Europe and the rest of the world, have given up their gas and oil glut, years ago…

What do they do…Public Transportation.

A few years ago we went to Italy. The first thing I asked for was a rental car. I was advised to use public transportation…buses and trains.

I checked into it and 24 seven you had access to rapid transit.

We go on the clean and fast trains and were transported faster than a car could go….bullet trains.

And everyone was using them.

In Italy many cities had laws that did not allow cars or trucks in the city limits!

The cities were immaculate, with NO SMOG…There were highways, but scarcely used…and a train ran right in the middle of them.

And the transportation was GREAT…people were happy and helpful for us Americans.

We moved to Sacramento about 7 years ago. HWY 50 was adding at least three lanes in both directions, to feed the exploding population moving to the eastern suburbs….In short the city was sprawling to miles from the city center.

Younger citizens stayed in the Inner City, and simply took advantage of the stores, restaurants etc.. Some of them don’t even have cars!

And their lives are just fine.

But the goddamned suburbs, especially to the east, explode…with every damned car carrying just the drive.

I know, I drive as little as possible, but when on Hwy 50 it is a mess…It has taken six years to expand Hwy 50 for about a 10 miles space…

Meanwhile fossil fuels are spewing CO2 into the atmosphere.

And right now, wildfires are all over the place..towns are burning…and the oxygen is less because tree are being destroyed…

Some of my readers send me NASTY NOTES that say they will never give up their trucks and cars.

You will……when your family dies and the country implodes in its sick addiction to fossil fuels.

It’s not too late…demand mass transit…buy a Hybrid or better….and if you don’t need that big truck you leave in front of you home for looks, get rid of it!

You children and your children’s children are at stake!



Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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