Greg Beale
3 min readApr 11, 2021

“Floridafication is being driven by those two familiar forces — man-made climate change and globalization — stirred together into a cocktail all the state’s own.” Washington Post

The Pandemic is not new, nor will it stop. There are two reasons for this…one is globalization and human intrusion into animal habitat; the other is global warming, that exacerbates the migration of endangered species pushing closer to humankind.

This is the reality of the 21st Century in the disaster of global climate change.

In the past 100 years the amount of C02 had exploded in a greenhouse effect. This warming through fossil fuel burning has in just 100 years done what it took hundreds of thousands of years to do: Change the climate.

Climate change scientists warned of this. Moreover, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WARNED ABOUT IT.

The Sioux warned about it as the Buffalo Herds were exterminated in a effort by white supremacists to genocide all indigenous people. They warned of it in the “Ghost Dance” that mourned the end of a functioning (for earth life to continue) Nature.

Basically in the rush for status enabling land, white people destroyed natural balance; that indigenous tribes worshipped.

Progress was everything even if it was wrongheaded…It still is…and is leading the human race into extinction!

In the ultimate irony, these efforts to land grab, kill the buffalo, kill the Plains Indian, have come full circle and now punish all of humanity with out of control pandemics, rising ocean levels, and worse: the end of the oil era.

We are going to run out of gas plain and simple. Fossil fuels are not infinite, nor are the Amazon Rain Forests. We will see an oil run out soon that will only exacerbate extinctions.

The Natural Balance has been set upon and exhausted in less than seven generations

So it just gets hotter, viruses are spawned that never should have endangered mankind, and millions die in a species die off that ALREADY IS EFFECTING THOUSANDS OF ANIMAL AND VEGETATION SPECIES AROUND THE GLOBE.

Indigenous peoples around the world forecast this in a series of Prophecies predicting events that will threaten all life on earth.

Indigenous people always were closer to nature, Western Civilization has tried for centuries to be “above the climate”, living in air conditioned cars, building air conditioned houses and high rises, living in a false hope that ruining the habitat will do nothing to the human race.

It will all end life on the planet and our indigenous brothers and sisters predicted it.

The most famous is the Prophecy of the Seventh Generation; where the world is right now.

This prophecy holds that white “westerners” will suddenly disappear from the earth due to their forgetting that the “earth mother” will not tolerate the “Whites” wasteful and environmental disastrous ways.

These prophecies are coming true every day, plunging Florida into a denial based extinction , denying the ocean rises as it increases every day; ignoring the increasing strong Hurricanes caused by warmer climate.

It all is coming home to roost….and fast…

All the politicizing of this will not make it go away; all of the “hoax” lies won’t make it go away.

The elders predicted this from Australia to New York, worldwide mass extinctions of needed species to allow the current life friendly earth epoch to continue.

The prediction is for a reckoning after only 100 years of human irresponsible and exploitation predatory behavior.

We are in the Seventh Generation.

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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