“Does the Constitution supply a right to evade regulation by choosing a child’s genetic makeup after conception, aborting any fetus whose genes show a likelihood that the child will be short, or nearsighted, or intellectually average, or lack perfect pitch — or be the ‘wrong’ sex or race?” said the dissent joined by Barrett.
This is Justice Barrett telling us the bigot she is. What? How can you so quickly judge the fair haired judge. Read on.
Unfair…always a white supremacist uses unfair as their first step of attack! The next Justice of the Supreme Court is saying she is against abortion because if is eugenics..weeding out the weak. She doesn’t understand that Eugenics existed on a different plain of genocide than abortion. And abortion cannot be done because the color of a child’s hair is not what the parents want…She KNOWS this but is using hyperbole to shove anti-abortion down our throats.
First of all let’s look at Eugenics…It was a. scientific (?) theory that was wildly popular at the turn of the last century (1900) and was a guiding force of Hitler’s Aryan Race “theory”; that killed 55 million people!
The idea is human beings are in a hierarchy of progress and of worth. In short, human beings are like cattle, some are superior to others.
Eugenics, was terribly wrong. It was based on the new science of Eugenics, but without electronic microscopes and the biology to even look at a human gene.
So Eugenic Scientists used insects to “prove” that there are superior beings in every population, from mosquitoes to people. This was all based on good faith science by some, bad faith by most.
Eugenics was used to justify Jim Crowe segregation in the south. It was used to justify destroying indigenous cultures in imperialism all over the globe..and it was used by a true evil genius, to genocide millions of people.
Why Eugenics, well the 1800s saw Civil War, the beginnings of western civilization imperialism and more. The Civil War was fought over chattel slavery that was based on the “theory” that the white race was superior. The “theory” was that WASPs somehow were the superior culture and “race”. Eugenics set about proving this theory after the Civil War was lost by the slavery caste.
It was like an different take on the argument of human hierarchy; since the south lost the argument in the Civil War. In a sense, it replaced slavery as a needed economic evil with a “scientific” evil. Why, because the south needed more free labor to keep its wealthy caste in power, even though the south lost the war!
The Civil War did not end the argument about racism, it enhanced it!
Within seconds of the end of war , white supremacy got involved with political motivations to 1. Justify the segregation and racism of America’s south following the Civil War. 2. Justify the explosion of imperialism’s and “white man’s burden” from 1865 to 1974. (I list 1974 since that is when the last pure colonial war based on Eugenics ended: The Vietnam genocide. 3. Justify the wholesale slaughter of indigenous people around the world; particularly in the Americas where millions were killed because they were “inferior”.
Humanism also flourished in the 1700s and 1800s. Jefferson, Franklin; etc., postulated they “all men are created equal”, which at first glance is heartening to those few who were worried about human rights for everyone.
But that is not Jefferson and the “founding fathers” were all about.
The business of America was business…the mercantile class is what they called themselves…Colonies in indigenous parts of the world (mostly all of it) were open game for merchants, many colonies were actually OWNED by a mercantile business…
Capitalism was exploding, displacing the feudal system in about 100 years. This led to slavery, what better way to build an economy than with free labor; and the subjugation of former serfs into laboring castes.
This caste system applied by a person’s color and his birth. Once a poor worker always a poor worker fed the need for labor, both for Africans and for Irish.
Child labor was just one of the “innovations” by capitalists that was used ruthlessly to out produce other budding industrial powers.
The world starting with the American colonies revolution and finishing with the War on Vietnam, was motivated into countless wars, to find every resource in the world and ruthlessly exploit it.
This meant the destruction of mammoth Bison herds (buffalo) in the Americas. It meant uprooting serfs from their obligations to the Lord of the Manor and forcing them into hell holes called cities, and working them to death.
It also meant the largest growth in technology in human history; electricity, oil, gold, etc etc., all part of a huge leap forward (?) changing the way people lived.
We are NOW faced with a reckoning for this wanton destruction of natural resources and the overuse of fossil fuels, in a climate change that could end humanity.
But in 1820 people couldn’t even consider that. The resources compared to the earth’s population were virtually endless in the popular mindset. The buffalo filled the plains like another inland ocean. The trees, ancient redwoods, could never be all cut down. Coal was limitless.
And then the lesson of the whales. Whale blubber fueled the first lanterns that mankind used. Finally, after thousands of years going to sleep when the sun went down, with blubber fueled lanterns people could stay up later. The invention of the printing press meant that people could read in the evening adding hours and how long people could be awake.
Alexander Bell even invented a “toy” that enable communication across a continent….eventually around the world.
And in the midst of this scientific explosion two things happened: 1. Machines began to take the place of people in manufacturing. 2. The climate began to change, prompting viruses that heretofore were restricted to animals, spread into the human population.
It has started with the Black Death, the plague that was carried by fleas and people living too close to one another. It continued with a barely remembered (until now) virus, a Spanish Flu, that struck because WWI caused more people than in human history to travel all over the world.
Millions died in one year, along with those killed by the worst war in human history.
WWI was a war caused by imperialists competition to rape and use up every natural resource in the known world.
The blubber again: In about two decades, the miracle of whale oil to fuel lights, ended.
It ended because the resource that fed it was FINITE.
All of nature’s resources are finite…we only have one earth, and traveling to other worlds to rape their resources if probably NEVER attainable.
it is interesting that conservative capitalists still hold to the dream (a nightmare for every one else) that human beings can enlarge their capitalist empires by going to Mars.
This is an effort to copy the same motive that drove world imperialism for hundreds of years: make enormous profits with new technologies that uses massive amounts of resources.
But the whale experience proved that resources are finite. Quite simply in about 50 years almost all whales were killed off. That meant a new fuel had to be found fast and that was petroleum!
The same madness is with us today. The oil supply is finite..Fracking is now the only way to keep up with world demand.
This is essentially bleeding every drop of oil reserves out of the ground…An conventional oil well leaves about 50% crude oil trapped in the shale and sand surrounding the reserve…that is why it is called a reserve.
Fracking gets all of that oil…It is similar to squeezing a sponge real hard to get all the water out of it…Once it is gone, unless you can find more water, it is GONE.
The greatest disaster in mankind’s history lurks about 30 years from now. The world, thanks to technology, has insured a rapid run out of gasoline and diesel that could end organized civilization on the earth as we know it.
I call it the whale blubber Convention: rapid run out of a survival necessary resource thanks to stupidity and not conserving.
There are technologies that could mitigate this; solar and wind power come to mind.
In the past, new technologies were found enhanced mankind’s existence on earth.
The problem is the only other resource that can do this is the sun and the wind; and the fossil fuel industry, in typical capitalist behavior, is fighting solar and wind power every step of the way.
We all love our technology that I am using at lighting speed…we all are used to instant gratification fed by technology…we all forget that finite resources are what makes this all possible. FINITE!
Eugenics was used as a “science” to justify imperialism and colonialism.
To feed rapid industrializatoin, there had to be hierarchy of human beings, since modern mankind (note man not women) “obviously” were stratified into the Western European white educated and intelligent caste followed in order down the hierarchy to the mentally incompetent and the “feeble minded”…Laborer caste was an essential part of that hierarchy…just as slavery had been at the beginning of the “industrial revolution”.
This. scientific “breakthrough” (by the way a Eugenics hero was a man who founded CSU Sacramento whose continuing education class you are now taking), was the rage from about 1890 to 1965…when better microscopes began mapping the human genome.
This research resulted in debunking virtually ALL of the Eugenics Scientific “theory”.
Meanwhile, during Eugenics popularity period, two world wars were fought, countless imperialism wars fought (Vietnam), all with either the explicit motivation to rid the world of “inferior” races of man, or the implicit motivation to “fight communism”.
Both motivations killed indigenous people in one genocide after another.
Why? How on earth can Christians do this? I’m not a racist…etc etc.
Truth: It happened. Truth: The United States, founded by humanism, is still engaged in a stratified caste system that kills thousands a day; the pandemic is a genocide machine that politicians are using to kill their opponents.
But the U.S. is not. alone…Russia, China and others all are getting in on the idea that their ways of culture are inherently superior. WWI and WWII taught mankind that it is their duty to KILL inferior races.
Waits out say, WWII stopped fascism and it lost…Did it?
It didn’t..fascism is in the ascendancy throughout the world, especially in the United States.
We have groveled in self guilt since 1945, over the Jewish genocide.
Meanwhile the world is involved in more wars right now, we call then endless wars, led by the very nation that used to snub its nose at those “European warfare lovers”, is now the most imperialistic power on earth.
A white supremacy movement is symbolized by the election of yet another White supremacist as President of the United States…
The first picture Trump put up in the Oval Office was of Andrew Jackson, a proponent of genocide who killed thousands of Native Americans…Who attacked without remorse indigenous cultures who were actually superior to the fledgling American culture.
It is not a “natural law” that superior cultures always win out…inferior cultures win often, leaving disaster in their wake..witness Nazi Germany…
Cherokees and the Five Civilized Tribes (which is a racist term by the way…ALL Native American cultures were civilized) were “relocated” to concentration camps in the badlands of what is now Oklahoma. This killed thousands back when thousands of people was a large percentage of local populations of human beings.
And Jackson, a white supremacist, has his picture in a place of honor in the office of the President of the United States.
And nobody has said a word.
Eugenics…..led to the SAT test, I.Q. Tests, “scientific” studies of nose configurations, genitalia studies; you name it, to prove that killing all those “savages” was justified.
Just last week..LAST WEEK, illegal sterilizations on a large scale, of immigrant women was divulged!
This practice was commonly used against many cultures and populations (the feeble minded) up until 1975 or so; and now has raised its ugly head again. By the way, mass sterilization is a genocidal practice.
Meanwhile we argue about a Supreme Court Justice who if selected will attack human rights from the beginning.
Racism and Prejudice was “Stamped at the Beginning” and still is wildly popular today.
The only thing is, always, I mean always in the past when it morphed into intolerable genocidal behavior, mankind has taken another step to extinction.