Climate Change is Real
“But as First Street data show, Florida isn’t the only place climate migrants are fleeing. At the micro level, more than 800,000 census blocks in the U.S. — or 7.4% of all blocks — have already passed local ‘tipping points’ and are seeing outright population declines. These ‘Climate Abandonment Areas’ have had a net loss of more than 3.2million people between 2000 and 2020 that can be directly attributed to flooding, the research shows.
Many of these areas are familiar to locals: parts of Staten Island, New York, that see constant ‘sunny day flooding,’ for example, or Bexar County, Texas, home to San Antonio — and an area not typically known for being waterlogged, Porter says.
‘In Bexar County, TX, 17.1% of all blocks are declining in population and have high flood risk above the ‘tipping point,’ making them Climate Abandonment Areas even though the county as a whole has grown significantly between 2000–2020,’ First Street’s report says.” Record Searchlight.
The MAGAS think it’s a hoax. Tell that to Florida, tell that Redding etc who see wildfires hundreds of time worse.
Another reason to not vote for Trump.