California is the Envy of the U.S.
I saw this Sacramento Bee article on the Sacramento Bee app and thought you’d be interested.
“Republicans’ California-bashing is full throttle — will it hurt Harris’ White House bid?”.
This article was an analysis of how the rest of the country does not like California.
I am born and bred in California. I remember when I reported to Stanford to play football and got the best college education in the world, that I was amused by my fellow students who were amazed by being in California. Many from the weather ridden mid-east said they didn’t want to go back.
Now right wing fascist conservatives like to make fun of California in attacks on Kamala Harris, since she lives in California.
Funny, the students in Stanford who were not from California were all amazed by the beautiful, warm and forward thinking California.
Funny how the conservatives now attack Harris for being from California but their grandfathers and fathers say they would do anything to get to California.
In short, California is NOT a bad place, California spawned the Internet, Apple Computer; etc etc etc.
As usual MAGA uses the Big Lie to attack a competitor.
California is not the problem, it has been the solution for years.
Ms. Harris is not from California anyway. She like millions of others are immigrants from the world, and from the U.S. to California.
And most are NOT killers or Mexican criminals. The vast majority, by the millions, are upstanding citizens…
Think not? Come to Sacramento, where I live. The number of Mexican Restaurants is astronomical!
And I live next to CSU Sacramento, and the student body has thousands of Mexicans and students from all over the world.
I call California the World….and we are proud to be from California.
Trump is great at tearing people down…and doesn’t know how to building people up.
In short he is an asshole!